Personally, I was prescribed the CPAP by Dr. Wife as well, Augie, lol. When I am awake and SHE starts snoring, I always wake her up, suggesting she get a sleep study lol...
I have been using mine for a few years, with a "nasal pillow". My old CPAP was just forced air 100% of the time, but the newer ones are APAP, and seem to be more intelligent about how much air to push and when.
Has anyone ever forgotten it was on and rolled hard away from it? I had a few beers one night and really turned over hard. Sweet Jesus, the machine knocked the lamp off the end table, bounced off of my head and landed upside down in the bed, pouring water out the little vent. The dog went absolutely bat$#!t thinking that I was being attacked, and my screamed bloody murder because she thought it was a home invasion. It was kind of funny the next morning.