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Everything posted by Tenhigh

  1. Its Thanksgiving, show some forgiveness for your fellow Bills fans...
  2. You can totally win here. Just jump on the bandwagon, plenty of room for you, nextmanup, and the rest!
  3. So you are coming around? Don't want to be last to the party.
  4. My friend used to live in the same building on the upper east side as Jeter during the late 90s. He would see him in the elevator with multiple ladies. Oddly though, he said they weren't always as attractive as you would expect. He was more of a quantity over quality guy, at least in the early days...
  5. Lol, 3 stars.
  6. I heard you were only there looking for directions on how to get away from there.
  7. She only got 2 stars Too soon?
  8. Not just max fill level, you need to know how high you should put the oil, depending on the size of your bird. and DO NOT do it on your new stone patio. Throw a piece of plywood down on the lawn or something.
  9. Seems kind of a harsh response for someone who just drove you home.
  10. Nice post, very well written....
  11. I was at a 4 until I read THIS!!!!
  12. Interesting, I thought you were referring to us playing terribly in nationally televised games.
  13. So you two maniacs are claiming that the football gods drained Jimbo's QB mojo in May of 1996 and injected it into the newborn baby Josh Allen? Really? I can totally get onboard with that, and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
  14. We have him already. Who backs up Bates? So, reasonable discussion not gonna happen. Thanks for the heads up, let's disengage.
  15. Who is your better short term alternative?
  16. If my options are opiods or weed to manage my pain from a crippling disease, I pick weed. If he applied to the NFL for a medical exemption it would have taken months. I have zero issue with a guy choosing life over opoids.
  17. Look who created this thread, lol.
  18. I thought for sure you'd get it after I saw "embiggen".
  19. This seems like a perfectly cromulent response.
  20. Lol, now I cant' unsee it.. Thanks jerk.
  21. Hmmm, square glasses, kind of a long bowl cut to go with them? I can get onboard for that. But personally, I had him tagged as more of a Taki's kind of guy, spicy but still really gross. Prior to the invention of those he was probably a Funion enthusiast.
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