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Everything posted by Tenhigh

  1. They were following the American Idol blueprint.
  2. Not John Bonham's kid?
  3. I am still not 100% on RT.
  4. Probably just me, my apologies. But it is a common word, and unfortunately becoming more common as most use it as an insult to deride those who have differing opinions.
  5. Is it me, or do you use the word "apologist" a lot?
  6. I'd have probably asked her why she needed it. Kind of crazy the way some people are acting. water isn't a problem.
  7. Irrelevant if you are employed.
  8. We really need an EWWWWWW emoji on this board.
  9. Some of these idiots are going to have to resort to heating their houses with toilet paper.
  10. Pretty clearly lazy research/writing over intentional disregard for the truth. But I guess its all just Zews these days....
  11. Let everyone know where you stand. Own it!
  12. Zews? Am I wrong or does this belong in another forum?
  13. Wrestling isnt a sport that you can easily practice on your own. His poor wife is probably getting rear lateral dropped as we speak....
  14. "Boy the way Todd Gurley played......"
  15. Why do you think the bold/underlined isn't a little more precise yet? I get the aerosol being difficult to test, but the surface test seems like it could be banged out pretty easily, no?
  16. I'm not sure what you're trying to convey here.
  17. Why can't we just call them slower white guys?
  18. You're still at the peepshow, Grandpa, still at the peepshow.
  19. Woof, I had actually blocked that Chargers game out for a while there. It certainly shut up the "it can't get any worse that Tyrod" posters, lol.
  20. Not to BV the place up, but didn't McD take away play calling duties from him for a while in year one? I'd be interested to know the full story on that...
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