Hello friends. As an American, I'm almost physically ill at what has happened to our country. I think we can all agree that this @$%^ has gotten out of hand. It seems to me that too many people in this country have decided that their opinions are truths, and that ANYONE who disagrees with them are the enemy. Hyperbole and name calling rule the day, and family members aren't speaking to each other based on their politics. To me, it's time to say enough is enough. If we continue down this path, which we can see is clearly happening even on a football message board, we're pretty much screwed as a society.
We all need to try and find some common ground, and since we're all here for the same reason, I think this is as good a place to start as any. So I'll start with a few and things I think we can all agree on, and maybe we can all go from there.
1. The Bills are an awesome football team.
2. As a species, we should be beyond the point where we result to rioting and looting.
3. We are all too often rigid in our views.
Please add on if you see fit. Its' gotta be better than calling each other idiots.