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Everything posted by Tenhigh

  1. We hear what we want, right? Objective listening is something we can all work on I think. She does get a lot of undue attention by the right. Not sure I have heard a brilliant idea out of her yet though.
  2. I am sure it's my right leaning brain skewing what I hear, but when AOC talks about liberating people who are already free I can help but think of Lenin and liberating the proletariat from the oppressive bourgeois. That's probably something I need to work on.
  3. But if Trump made a vacuum it would been UUUUGGGGEEEE....
  4. Respectfuly, the goal of this thread is not to argue about our perceived differences on the Trump administration or take pot shots at posters no longer on this message boards. Can we all try to focus on what we can agree on? There are a lot of other threads out there to argue about what we don't.
  5. BBC is the closest thing I find to actual news on TV, the outsider perspective is refreshing and a hell of a lot more balanced than anything you can get on Fox, CNN, or MSNBC.
  6. I haven't read many of big guns posts, but in this thread they are extreme and offensive, and I called him on it. But so are yours on this part of TBD. Accusing anyone who doesn't exactly agree with your opinion of the world of being a brainwashed terrorist it just a terrible way to communicate. If you don't believe me, go through your last 100 posts on this board and count how many times you did it. It's a crusade (see TOS), but more than that, it's not healthy and bad for you, this board, and the tenor of discourse country. I really think that you need some time away from this part of the board, man. Give yourself a week, soak in some good vibes from the Bills, and be happy that a lot of what you want changed in the world is pointing in the direction that you want it to.
  7. This is no better than the $#!/ @TB Bills is spewing. And it's against the TOS.
  8. What was extremist about that post? Have you ever considered that maybe some of your points of view can be considered extreme? We should all cut the name calling $#!+ and try a little reasonable dialog.
  9. Mahomes is a much better QB than Jackson though. Need our secondary to ball out...
  10. Laimbeer was a garbage person on the court.
  11. Preparing. I live in Eastern NY, and my buddy and I are going to be doing all WNY foods. Beef on Weck, Wings, and Texas Hots. Recently had a Wegmans open by me in northern NJ, picking up some Bison Dip!!! Good living, baby....
  12. Your instincts are sound. Never trust someone in tied to that disgusting organization.
  13. Are you saying that every single person there planned to assassinate members of congress?
  14. What does this mean?
  15. What are you guys implying about police here?
  16. Actually, I didn't. You should look before you lob.
  17. Either that or the guy who wrote Game of Thrones. I think you need to unplug for a bit, maybe get out for a nice walk.
  18. @TB Bills what are you "meh"ing here?
  19. After they fixed what they broke and faced any legal consequences, I would certainly try. But this thread isn't about that. It's about finding things that everyone, regardless of party or race or gender or anything, can agree on and build from there. And for the record, one of the points of common ground we identified was that people should be responsible for their actions, whether it's trashing my living room, burning a Wendy's, or Storming the Capitol.
  20. Doesn't mean they don't agree with a lot of other points in this thread.
  21. I don't think this is true at all. I bet if you read this whole thread, and then discussed the points of common ground we identified with one of the people at the capital you would probably find out that they agree on very many of them.
  22. If we were playing them last year I would have agreed with all of this. This year? Not so much.
  23. What about QB? Pass protection? Secondary?
  24. I agree with all of this. Also, Rivers wasn't getting much help from his pass catchers. There were a lot of drops.
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