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Everything posted by BuffaloWings

  1. You don't think the firing of Gregg Williams or releasing Bledsoe were admissions of mistakes? In my mind, those are clear admissions. Donahoe is trying. I'd rather he make mistakes trying to build a Super Bowl team than sit around and watch the team play mediocre football for years.
  2. Couldn't agree with you more. A true class act that worked his tail off. He probably shouldn't have been made out to be the savior we all made him to be in 2002, but he shouldn't get so much crap from the fans in this city. Good luck, Drew. I was always rooting for you and still will be.
  3. Don't forget twice a year vs New England. Don't be surprised if Drew is on a plane to Dallas around 1:15pm. I wouldn't want to deal with New England twice a year anymore if I were him.
  4. Darva Conger (sp?) for one. Of course, she had no choice but to say yes. My question is...why would they stage it where she says no and runs out? Wouldn't it be more Valentine-ish if she said yes? Were they looking for some pure entertainment or something?
  5. Easier said than done. Sure, you can have a self-imposed limit, but the attraction of signing a free agent superstar would probably blow that out of the water. If you had $2 million left on your budget, yet you could get Martin Brodeur for a cheap $3 million per year, wouldn't you do it? Overall, I blame both sides for this. The owners for actually spending outrageous amounts of money on average players and the players for getting spoiled. It's the same thing that's happening in baseball, yet the union there is WAY too strong and the commissioner is out of his element.
  6. At first, I was peeved that the players finally agreed to this, yet they then can't agree on a number. However, there are two schools of thought on this.... Either: 1. Everyone's OK with a cap, so let's not rush this. Get the numbers correct RIGHT NOW so we don't have to deal with this crap in another 10 years. OR: 2. Come up with a number in the next 25 hours just to play so they don't have to live with how they're the only major North American sport to lose an entire season because of a labor dispute, blah blah blah.... Frankly, I'd rather take #1. At this point, I don't care anymore if they play this year. I'm pissed, I miss watching the Sabres (though it helps that I have college hockey to watch), but I'd rather they take the time and get it right and fix their problems. Having said that, though, it may take a hard deadline where the doors to the bathrooms are locked so they can fix this.
  7. Yikes....were you around for the Flutie-Johnson thing? This could turn into a disaster. I really think coaches should stick to one guy, period. Wade Phillips couldn't commit and it divided the team. Dan Reeves tried the rotating QB thing one year when Elway was hurt and it badly misfired. Clearly designate #1, #2, and #3 so the rest of the team knows who they're playing with.
  8. This sounds a bit contradictory to me....if it's wrong to say we'd put the season on JP's shoulders by starting him, then why would starting Drew put the season on *his* shoulders? The Bills are in a bit of a bind because they basically have a rookie QB waiting to start and a veteran QB who has been mistake-prone. I still say the best thing for the Bills is to NOT release Drew and go into training camp with the job up for grabs. By this point, Drew has to know that his starting status is in jeopardy and that the coaches should know his limitations have hurt them. Yeah, maybe Drew can start for other teams right now, but he's also gotta know that those opportunities are stop-gap and he'd eventually lose his job to a younger guy. His best option would be to restructure/whatever and stay in Buffalo, resigned to the fact that he'll likely be the #2 guy. If he's the team-player I think he is, he'll do just that. Besides, I'd rather have someone prepared to take over (in the event JP gets hurt) that knows Mularkey & Clements and their offense. Bringing in a brand new free agent might even set things back further.
  9. I actually like Salisbury, even though he's gotten a bit over the top lately. He'll call them as he sees them, but occasionally takes the company line. My favorite would have to be Vic Carucci. I like him because he's not loud, he doesn't assume anything, and he's very down-to-Earth. He's usually on the Bills radio pregame and/or postgame every week, so I get to hear him a lot. Also, he doesn't talk up the Bills so much just because he (kinda) works for them. He's been straightforward and fair ever since I've been listening to him - about 3-4 years now. No BS with him. Least favorite would have to be Jerry Sullivan. He should work for the Globe, since all he does is say how bad things are and rarely offers a solution that's not already obvious. Even if he did work in Boston right now, he'd be griping about what a horrible idea it was to let Weis & Crennel go.
  10. I saw that as just a bad attempt at humor, really. Somehow, I don't think Tony will turn to the dark side. Now that we know Palmer pardoned him, I see Tony coming back to work for CTU. Yeah, I know he committed a federal crime, but this is TV. I knew it was too good to be true when they had Marianne and Powell in custody. Each episode has to end on something bad happening, so I was waiting for it.
  11. Well, Marianne wasn't really "taken out" - just knocked unconscious. She'll be back and I doubt she has amnesia. Having said that, you still make a good point. There seem to have been some loose ends in previous seasons that weren't tied up. I'll bet we'll still see more of Marianne. In fact, I hope we do. I thought the same thing that BuckeyeBill did...we now have sympathy for Sarah and don't think she's a mole. But don't count her out. Powell was offering money to Jack & Tony for helping him out - don't bet that the "people he knows" already did that to Sarah.
  12. Piazza didn't become the player he was until the mid-90s, so it's possible. I think a lot of this has to do with Canseco's ego. His main priority is trying to find a buck. This isn't to say he's lying about this stuff, but it's hard for me to believe it given the source.
  13. Well, this only says that the Jets have interest. I can see the Raiders being the most likely destination here. Moss is a guy Al Davis would LOVE. If he did go to NY, it would have to be the worst thing for Moss. Can anyone imagine Moss dealing with the New York media? Talk about a circus. Not to mention, Randy wants to be the center of attention and New York City is the last place he'll get it.
  14. As much as everyone thinks it's time for Drew to go, I gotta disagree. I won't say hands down he should be the starter in 2005. I'm in favor of an open competition or giving JP the job and then see if he can live up to it in preseason. I think the best situation for the Bills is to keep Drew as no worse than the #2 guy. If something happens to JP, do we want a guy coming in who has known this offense for a full year less than Drew has? While that may not be horrible, depending on who that QB is, I'd rather have a guy who knows this system better than the new free agent. I don't see Kurt Warner coming here, either. If he didn't want to be a backup in New York, why would he in Buffalo?
  15. The college ranks aren't doing bad, either. I live in the Albany area and have season tickets to Union College hockey ($8 each!!) and follow the entire NCAA. They're all having a typical year, which is good, down-to-earth hockey. I don't miss hockey THAT much, except for on a Tuesday night when there's crap on regular TV and I miss the Sabres. The main problem with the NHL's finances is public interest. If there was enough, there would be a national TV contract bringing in a lot of money (a la the NFL). But there isn't, so they can't use the same cap model. I'm in favor of a cap, but the owners need to realize that they can't guarantee contracts anymore and stop paying gazillions to players that don't deserve that much. You need the cap to make things fair for the smaller markets. Having said that, it may be in their best interest to contract. The union won't want to hear that, though. The NHL doesn't need 32 teams.
  16. Actually, now that I think of this, Marianne will probably frame whoever they come to arrest. Remember when she made that phone call, the guy on the other end told her to "divert suspicion". She'll be setting someone up.
  17. I'm with you, stoj. I hate that crap about rooting for the AFC East, too. I root for the Bills and any team that plays the Jets, Pats, or Dolphins. This is no different. It would be nice to see someone other than Tom Brady, Charlie Weis, Bill Belichick or Troy Brown get some love. It's time for Donovan McNabb to make his mark in NFL history.
  18. If the Vikings go for this, I say do it RIGHT NOW. The Bills probably won't get a better deal anywhere else. It initially struck me as odd that the Vikings would be interested, but maybe they're trying to shake things up. They have 4 solid RBs - any of which can start. However, the one guy they may not want to get rid of is Williams - based on the reasons we've said. If Moe would really be content as a backup, Minnesota might want to offer up Smith or Bennett instead. If they actually try to trade for Travis, I hope they know what they're getting into. Nothing wrong with him, but they should know Travis *wants* to start. For their sake, I'd hope the remaining RBs would accept a backup role.
  19. Probably not that far-fetched. I thought they were a legitimate playoff team after week 16, so a Superbowl team - while pretty bold - isn't out of reach. I probably wouldn't make that statement if JP started the season, only based on his experience. It's hard to throw in a (sorta) rookie at QB and expect this team to make the promised land. I'd say right now there's no reason to think they won't be in the playoffs and probably win a game. Those Patriots will still be in the way, though.
  20. I just want to know if Michelle is coming back, too.
  21. That's a pretty solid prediction, given how the show twists and turns. But do you think the Secretary of Defense would waste everyone's time like that? This will probably happen, with Jack convincing Heller that they need to do something to keep Marianne around for that reason.
  22. Seriously, 2 pages is fine. Make sure it's segmented well enough so that you can fit a decent amount of info on the second page.
  23. Super Bowl XXXII, easily. It was the end of the NFC's run for God-knows-how-many years. Watching Elway dive for that first down late in the 3rd showed me everything I needed to know about him. Classic game. Not to mention, it was a battle of QBs that I admired watching through high school, college, and today. You can't get much better than a SB matchup of Elway & Favre.
  24. Well, just because he blitzed him on every play doesn't mean there's a lack of respect. All that showed was how Parcells knew how to beat him (which didn't show much, frankly...everyone has known for a while that Bledsoe's weakness is the blitz up the middle). I have yet to read the article, but I'd be interested in knowing what kind of sources this thing has. It's one thing for a Buffalo paper to print this, but why is the NY Post running this story? Call me crazy, but I just want something concrete....
  25. Not now, at least. He'd be a HUGE upgrade over Reed, but Price won't want to be a #3 receiver.
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