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BillsFan Trapped in Pats Land

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Everything posted by BillsFan Trapped in Pats Land

  1. Doesn't the QB, or anyone else get any of the blame? It's not like Roy Williams or Patrick Crayton lit it up in the second half either.
  2. Really, I read the Boston Globe and Herald every day and the Patriots do it all the time. I know the Giants do it.
  3. Another !@#$ing Peters thread?
  4. Take him anyway, the old Larry Bird move.
  5. Tim, is Michael Smith just throwing stuff out there on these Bills-Eagles discussions on Peters? Also, what's the deal with Dilfer in that clip from the roundtable yesterday? How does he miss that TO's yardage and catches went UP in the 2nd half last season? Doesn't ESPN own a piece of Stats, Inc??
  6. Instead it was just CRAPTASTIC But, Stroud was effectve.
  7. Most people didn't think he would be there at 11. A super deep crop of CBs and not one went until 11.
  8. Then every time he checks in any defensive coordinator with half a brain would play the pass.
  9. I am not convinced. The fact that his college coaches, who saw him in practice every day for years, saw fit never to line him up as a blocker speaks volumes to me.
  10. Which is only about 4.5 seconds less than is needed.
  11. You missed Ellis, who is a DE. No, it's not enough of a contribution to the lines...but as you mention we had used a lot of free agency $ to address that, as well as a trade. Spencer Johnson (who I think will be much better this season), Stroud, Walker, Dockery (OK that one didn't work out as well as hoped). The 2006 draft was way line heavy: McCargo, Williams, Butler, Terrance Pennington (who we gave up to early IMHO), and Aaron Merz
  12. I'll say it again....Coffman couldn't block a 70 year old Deacon Jones.
  13. This front office takes a ridiculous amount of sh-- around here. The last 2 drafts have been solid. 2008: McKelvin (starts this year, highest upside on the team right now), Hardy (I think he's going to be great), Ellis (bit of a project, ridiculous athleticism), Corner (great name, very nice coverage skills, future Nickle man), Fine, Bowen, Omon, Bell, Johnson (all of which have potential to contribute at a minimum on ST in 2009) and Kennard Cox (probably a swing and miss, but he was #251 overall). 2007: Lynch (I think he'll get his act together), Poz (starter), Edwards (starter), Wright (a whiff), Wendling (ST ace), Schouman (kind of starter), CJ Ah You (a whiff, but not a horrible risk at the time). 5 current starters, a bunch of ST contributors, and a few swing and misses.
  14. 80% of the schedule is set 10 years in advance, SOS is nearly as perfectly random as you can get.
  15. You have to. Cushing, Brown or Matthews if he's not. I think Maybin is going to drop like a stone, with Gholston fresh in people's minds.
  16. I'm hoping to turn it into a "Schoebel Holding Out.....Again" thread.
  17. You know who has a happy roster? The Teletubbies.
  18. By the way, this is exactly why exclusive rights FAs are so valuable. Don't like it....tough. If he signs the tender, they'll basically own his ass for 2010 too.
  19. I doubt it, it was still a sty when I came in today.
  20. CAN WE ALL AGREE THAT IT'S NOT "SITTING OUT" UNTIL IT'S A MANDATORY TEAM EVENT?? Show of hands who volunteered to come in on Saturday and not do work but clean up you cubicle or workspace??? That's what I thought.
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