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BillsFan Trapped in Pats Land

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Everything posted by BillsFan Trapped in Pats Land

  1. If they really want him, they should sweeten the pot another 5-10%
  2. It's an elegant solution for a problem that never existed in the 1st place.
  3. I think you mean Billy Beane, unless you mean the former MLB player who came out of the closet after his career. No judgement either way.
  4. Bills Celtics Red Sox Don't care 1 NFL 2 NBA 3 MLB 147 - NHL
  5. Nope. I would seriously need to re-consider my support of an organization that would hire this guy. 1st off I love dogs. I have 2, and violence/abuse/neglect of animals sickens me. I can kind of understand person on person violence. I don't accept or condone it, but I guess I can understand it. But animals (especially domestic animals) are pretty much dumb, innocent trusting creatures. What Vick and his friends did sickens me. And the thought that his ability to run and pass may get someone to overlook the fact that he is a monster sickens me. Let the Raiders deal with him.
  6. Oy, that was embarassing. Especially around these parts.
  7. Like the throngs of cheers when Kelly actually arrived in '85 didn't?
  8. I have a question....how can you watch this?
  9. I may pick this up....I am stoked for The Conduit, which comes out early next month. It's the 1st real shooting game for Wii, and the multiplayer is supposed to be awesome.
  10. Ralph is not one for off topic press conferences to begin with, and I would think with his daughter's illness (and his injury) he's been laying low. But, he has always struck me as a guy that keeps himself in good shape with tennis and all that. May he live to be 100. I think we'll hear from him come training camp.
  11. Buffett is a genius, but newspapers sure seem like a losing investment to me.
  12. Alex Smith, from TB. Ehh.
  13. I have had back issues for about 20 years, and regular trips to my DC really help my sedentary job, long commute, bad posture, etc.
  14. I listen to the guy all the time on Sirius. He looks nothing like I thought. Kinda disturbing. Appreciate the positive note though.
  15. That was a much better game, playing wise. But they got shut out.
  16. I was just reading an article about Hennessy from the front page, turns out I know one of his agents. Nice guy, our wives are friends. I'll have to get a report on him.
  17. I assume you mean 2010-11 for Bell? I might be nuts, but I think...strictly in terms of pass protection, we might be as good or better than we were last season. And Langston Walker can flat out blow a hole open in run blocking.
  18. Francois is a nightmare waiting to happen. Given the Bills recent off field crap, they weren't going anywhere near him
  19. Yeah, they've brought in 157 o linemen now, a 6th on a CB isn't that big a deal
  20. It will be next year. McGee's contract will be up
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