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BillsFan Trapped in Pats Land

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Everything posted by BillsFan Trapped in Pats Land

  1. Yeah, crippling taxes there. It's all relative. Try Massachusetts.
  2. And wasn't Everett in the bubble when he got hurt, not in the Stadium itself??
  3. Thank you. I am now dumber for having read this thread. A few more of these, I'll be retarded.
  4. It could just be the giant fork in his back that's holding him back.
  5. Great, he caught 7 passes last year. 7. 10 the year before.
  6. Yeah. I wouldn't feel so safe about that Carolina game their defense is damn good again. We probably won't sweep Miami.
  7. That missed kick in the 1st Jets game turned out to be a real shot to the jewels.
  8. Just guessing, but in your business there is probably not a salary cap, collective bargaining and the scarcity of qualified workers that lend to comparison to the NFL. The end analysis is that a pissed off Henry doesn't cost you that much, and is better than Shaud Williams.
  9. It's just that a couple of those misses were virtual chip shots.
  10. I apparently don't see JP as the superhero you do, but your logic is on target. The team consists of 53 guys. 1 guy cannot become a cancer unless 52 others let him
  11. How to put this mildly..............HELL NO
  12. sar·casm Pronunciation: 'sär-"ka-z&m Function: noun Etymology: French or Late Latin; French sarcasme, from Late Latin sarcasmos, from Greek sarkasmos, from sarkazein to tear flesh, bite the lips in rage, sneer, from sark-, sarx flesh; probably akin to Avestan thwar&s- to cut 1 : a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain <tired of continual sarcasms> 2 a : a mode of satirical wit depending for its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language that is usually directed against an individual b : the use or language of sarcasm <this is no time to indulge in sarcasm>
  13. He's due to make some nice coin this year, he'll be there to collect.
  14. Is it possible that Fisher lied, or stretched the truth to say a hard offer was made, when it wasn't??
  15. Great one. Tim Couch deserves an honorable mention.
  16. I agree, you don't move him unless it's a #2 and preferably the #35 overall.
  17. I agree with him, and that's scary. Salisbury has the NFL acumen of a bag of peat moss.
  18. A third is silly. Then you have to go find a backup. At that point F it, just keep an unhappy Henry. If WM goes down, he's got incentive to shine.
  19. You can't package 2 sh------- players and end up with Williams.
  20. See, if you end up with #35 & #55 you can get yourself some good players and avoid that 1st round signing bonus cash.
  21. A home inspection won't show everything. We had a mold/rot issue that wasn't picked up until 18 months later during a window/door replacement. Luckily, insurance covered 60% of the expense.
  22. If it's the pick they have high in the 2nd, I would do that in a second. Looks like plenty of good value late in this draft.
  23. No way. I think there's still a better than 50/50 chance the Bills re-sign Clements, and I am not giving him up to get a guy that in any other year might be a 2nd round pick.
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