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BillsFan Trapped in Pats Land

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Everything posted by BillsFan Trapped in Pats Land

  1. Anything by Philip Roth, simply the best American novelist of the last several decades. Everyman is very good, as is Exit Ghost. But you can't go wrong with any of his earlier work either. If you like mysteries on the grittier side: Joseph Wambaugh, Michael Connelly, George Pelecanos, Dennis Lehane, elmore Leonard and James Ellroy are all excelent.
  2. Thanks for that. I like how he didn't give actual grades, but rates the drafts from how they look on paper. He, unlike Kiper and other, doesn't draw suppositions (ie Robert Gallery will be a Pro Bowl LT for the next 10 years).
  3. If the Vikings can consider Jared Allen a draft pick, we can count Stroud.
  4. I heard him on Sunday on the Sirius Draft Show. Didn't come off well, but I suppose there is a big difference between being able to put together a sentence and being a productive NFL player (see Reggie White for starters).
  5. I thought there was a kid a couple (maybe 5) years ago from Bentley that was real productive at WR, set all kinds of D2 records. I was pretty sure he was a UFA and was on someone's practice squad.
  6. Absolute bull sh--. There are numerous studies out there that D1 athletic revenues never affect the general budget of the school. This is especially true for state schools.
  7. We've had good luck with undrafted free agents from Arkansas lately
  8. Massaquoi is a dead man walking. I have the feeling, unless he has an amazing training camp, that they will work McKelvin in slowly. He'll take over KR and nickle duties. By the 6th or 7th week, he may be starting.
  9. Well why don't we just piss on our shoes in fear???
  10. Losman for sure. I am pretty sure Crowell too.
  11. These kids get ass raped for 3 or 4 years by the system, while the colleges make millions. I don't blame him for wanting to cash in on his own work.
  12. I'm with you. I cannot wait for my annual weekend at camp.
  13. I agree. I think the problem with the 2007 Bills H-Back was the personell not the concept.
  14. There's a rumor from a well placed source on a Boston area website I read that he had ankle surgery about 10 days before the Super Bowl.
  15. Since when is West Virginia in the Northeast??
  16. That about nails it.
  17. I hear that. Backing up Simpson ideally.
  18. Also returning kicks, maybe protect McGee a little. Nice, if not flashy pick, should help from day 1.
  19. Pat Kirwan said something similar last night on Sirius to a Bills caller that was either stoned or just not all there. "Draft Value" is one of those concepts designed by these guy just to have something to say. True value can't be decided until 4 or 5 years later.
  20. The uncapped year is like the Yeti.....it may exist, but we will never see it
  21. Braylon Edwards is my favorite, but Boldin ain't far off.
  22. The only reason there are commercials on the talk stations is that no one can talk for 4 hours without a break. Except my wife. All 100 something music stations are commercial free. And the commercial breaks are about 1/2 as long as FM radio
  23. Umm, let me get this right. It's a deep draft, so we need to keep the #11? If it's deep, wouldn't we be better off dropping lower, and picking up a 3rd or 4th extra?
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