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Everything posted by crackur

  1. Here in VA we get it ....woohoo
  2. I tell you, wycheck threw that ball forward and anyone can see it, he was behind the line and the other guy was in front of it ......
  3. likem all but "it's a wonderful life" is garbage
  4. xmas to me is disrespectful to the actual meaning....
  5. it was a good one
  6. this is all in the other forum
  7. shauds been hurt, its not like he can play durrr he's a good 3rd down back
  8. I'll stick with them......thats just my loyalty
  9. any good OL or steven smith
  10. ehh not really impressed
  11. I got some pictures of that somewhere, I just went and sit on the bench.....and I was like this looks so real...it was damp and cold
  12. a fair/carnival yep, they ripped me off and didnt pay me hardly anything, just a cple of bucks so I just let everyone win, heck I just let them buy a try and hand the their toy or stuffed animal lol
  13. yep, I loved her
  14. I watch it every yr haha
  15. apparently you are wrong because you are losing in the votes
  16. 50ft lights?!?!?! LOL dude you seriously need to hit up a walmart or something, you can gettem in 10ft kiddo also, the bottom is closer to the outlet, turn your phuckin' tree around if its in the front, MY GOD! haha
  17. I like Jauron I just think JP needs to call the majority of his own plays.........so fire the OC, seriously and I think we need a leader on D now......since TKO has took to the shadows but I dont blame him, he needs this yr to recoop
  18. from top to bottom...........even an idiot should know you do it that way its thinner up there.....and ias u wrap you move down, and this leaves the plug in closer to the outlet..... simple..............
  19. my prayers are with you and yours hope everything works out fine
  20. the last pass, and pointin roscoe out ......shows he is growing
  21. tehre we go!!!
  22. thanks got it on
  23. ginsu on the side
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