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Everything posted by crackur

  1. jets missed da fg
  2. its the pats
  3. its been along time bill fans........that we have a position secured........tis beautiful
  4. this is some of the best football I have seen out of the bills............wow
  5. it cant be that........... we must put JP in now........
  6. give evans his money I seen 2 blocks alone that he made that was keys too the game
  7. he hadnt played for 3 wks............I think that was a factor too..........sheesh........stop whining
  8. they dont even check the bills players anymore for steroids etc, we would win a game if we used them............so we are definitely safe on this one
  9. its not like he was just a rookie last season or something' sheesh you guys need to get a life.......thank God you are not our front office
  10. HAHAHAHAHAHAH please do..........I wanna see are you stalking me or something? I mean I'm not the one who is threatening people over the internet about settling things like men LOL why don't you go ghost on the site like you did before.......it was so must better haha seriously.........come back and speak to me when you graduate some type of college and have a job........ its like your britney or paris or something ........OK!
  11. exit left just leave the site.......and dont watch any games.......... its that easy.......
  12. LOL please just leave LOL you look retarded with that comment <end/>
  13. no the question is .......if you see this happen over and over....then why stay a fan? I mean hell, quit b!tchin, go ride farve's balls and skip to the jets
  14. go root for another team its preseason..........wait......u probably don't know the difference
  15. its our first game and their second.............sheesh........relax
  16. they called this morning and said they were sorry they scared us with the I cant sell, and said they have worked out their problems and now they can sale and they apologize for the problem
  17. thanks guy for the input I was just making sure I was correct about the legal aspect about it... Can a MOD delete this now, sorry for posting questions
  18. this is what i believe. But I cannot forget.......haha sorry, I have allowed many people to run me over.........but not this time......time to ante up
  19. I got my guys beer steins and not all of them are drinkers but I got their nicknames on them which was pretty sweet
  20. sorry, its not really a friend to my wife.......my mother in law told me it was LOL I believed her.........my wife said she was a freshman when she was a senior in high school that is how she knew her durr on my part
  21. I wrote the contract so bascially I did everyting to cover my wife and my ass in the situation. The lender said the house would appraise out since the prices of housing are high in my area and on the constant rise. My wife and I wanted this house before they actually bought it 3-4 yrs ago. My lender is the one who gave them the loan to buy it in the first place I am not backing away.......I feel like it, if it appraises out......it should be my home..........I have already paid close to a grand for this already....that I cant get back
  22. pave over it and paint it bills blue
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