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Roland Hooks

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Everything posted by Roland Hooks

  1. They sure did, much like when Seymour went down against the Jets. Harrison would be a huge loss, no doubt.
  2. I think it lies somewhere in between. I am not ready to anoint him anything other than to say up to this point, he has been great and clutch. He is only 27 years old and by all rights just entering his prime. This does not mean he is a first ballot hall of famer. I would take him over any QB in the league right now because of the total package, but that's just me. The bottom line is the QB position is not about stats, it is about making the right decision as often as possible, and Brady has mastered this. I think he is the only truly indispensable player on New England's roster.
  3. I think it's a combination of the right system, the right coach, and the right talent. BB's system relies on a QB that is extremely accurate, highly intelligent in making their reads, and calm in the pocket. Not many QB's in the league have all three facets in their game. Brady has the best pocket awareness of any QB in the league right now, bar none.
  4. That was six years ago, and the team was bing run by a completely different regime. I am a Pats fan, and I can admit the Bills got screwed in that game. It has nothing to do with the current team though.
  5. I am a lifelong Patriots fan, but I am no troll here. I can understand why you would hate Patriot fan trolls. I respect your team and its accomplishments in the past. I just wish some of your posters would do the same. Hate the Pats all you want, but you should at least respect them. They do things the right way, and act with class. To call a team that is 33-3 in its last 36 games merely "lucky" is really missing the point. They are on one of the greatest runs in the history of the league, and that needs to be at least respected if you consider your self a knowledgeable football fan, and not just some sort of homer yahoo. By the way, IMO, the Bills are headed in the right direction. I am a big fan of Mularkey's way of doing things...
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