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Everything posted by stevewin

  1. I was watching the tush push on one of the shows this AM - the front OL get so low they are basically crawling on the ground - wonder if they would call a penalty if the DL took a step on their back to go over them
  2. Funny - I caught a random Sopranos episode today and was reminded on Hard Knocks how they did the Sopranos opening with Jets theme one time - blasphemous at best, cringe at worst. Just another reason to F them
  3. So does Rodgers promote Hackett to Head Coach? 😛
  4. It's amazing to me with the 'historical' crappy offense all the talk has been about crappy Wilson - there's been no talk at all what a trash clown Hackett is - has gotten off scott free
  5. The Dolphins - so they aren't mad when we play them the last game 😛
  6. Know says you're gonna run away from the safeties one of these days and Kincaid says I know I should not run right at them - it seems like at the end of every catch he bowls into someone and takes a brutal hit to the arms and upper body. As time goes on maybe he starts avoiding so many of those direct hits
  7. Back in early 90's I saw him play live at the Meadowlands - seats were close the middle of the field behind the Detroit bench. All I have to say is TV/video did not give him justice. Seeing him live was mind blowing at times. There were multiple times in that run and shoot he would catch a short pass with guys lining him up and in an instant he would turn and somehow just instantaneously be in a different place with guys grabbing air. I've never seen anything like it - was truly amazing
  8. I heard that and had to laugh - Joe trying to be a good company man and hype next week. If it was Al Michaels it definitely would have been skewring sarcasm tho lol
  9. It's crazy to me he prances around and no one ever seems to be able to bring him down
  10. Trade and rebuild
  11. Detached, commercials
  12. Sugar high Patrick
  13. He is the most annoying player in the league to watch for me - all the post carry histrionitcs - FU
  14. This was the classic Cheaters** way - some game-changing penalties called early in the game to tilt the game their way - then some meaningless penalties called later in the game that made it seem less one-sided on the stat sheet
  15. Lol check out the headline on the right
  16. Was nice to see Sauce give up on that play which is the reason Shakir was able to cut back - imagine that was why Williams was going off on him after
  17. Maybe he had to take a dump - off the field instead of on
  18. Kinda lost in the whole Jets offense sucks thing is how much Nate Hackett sucks
  19. Seeing this was reminded tht his older brother actually plays for the Jets - another splash signing by that team
  20. What was evident was Dion was walking up the tunnel minding his own business and Clemons comes up and starts yelling at him and at one point Dion just starts waving at him which drives Clemons even more nuts which is the best part of the whole thing
  21. Crazy how much shorter the post game thread is without all the posts about how much the Bills suck
  22. This is the man I fell in love with
  23. Waiting for people to come here complaining we lost draft position
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