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Everything posted by stevewin

  1. McD needs to be going berserk reaming these refs the whole way off the field
  2. Let Josh Run Again
  3. They'll call it during halftime
  4. Eagles groins are weak - we need to target them
  5. Someone needs to call Roger - the ref fix is too obvious even for his NFL
  6. Nice shot to the head
  7. This game is setting a new standard for me waiting for the little yello Flag notification after the play ends - 5 secs, 10 secs, commercial...
  8. On the kickoff I literally said to my son can't believe there's no penaltly then they call it during the commercial - truly unbelievable
  9. Bills 10 Eagles + Refs 7
  10. That last offside call was criminal - textbook DL jumping in neutral zone causing OL to react. Absolutely ridiculous
  11. Would have like Jimbo a bigger effort to get 1st
  12. Like how Ty was holding the ball w/ 2 hands. In this weather get down and hold onto the ball
  13. Crazy good coverage on D
  14. Pretty sure little Aiaden whispered "Man Uncle Stef Gotta get up outta here"
  15. I was watching the tush push on one of the shows this AM - the front OL get so low they are basically crawling on the ground - wonder if they would call a penalty if the DL took a step on their back to go over them
  16. Funny - I caught a random Sopranos episode today and was reminded on Hard Knocks how they did the Sopranos opening with Jets theme one time - blasphemous at best, cringe at worst. Just another reason to F them
  17. So does Rodgers promote Hackett to Head Coach? 😛
  18. It's amazing to me with the 'historical' crappy offense all the talk has been about crappy Wilson - there's been no talk at all what a trash clown Hackett is - has gotten off scott free
  19. The Dolphins - so they aren't mad when we play them the last game 😛
  20. Know says you're gonna run away from the safeties one of these days and Kincaid says I know I should not run right at them - it seems like at the end of every catch he bowls into someone and takes a brutal hit to the arms and upper body. As time goes on maybe he starts avoiding so many of those direct hits
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