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Everything posted by stevewin

  1. Well played - my first instinct was to go look for forrest gump running gifs 😛
  2. And just appeared on Dancing With the Stars 😛
  3. It's funny one reporter asked both Beane and McD separately have you considered not playing Von bc he sucks
  4. Yeah then Graham tried to corner him with the prior accusations question and his response was "those are just accusations" Almost get the sense Von told Beane a version of the story that he wasn't physically abusive that he bought. Beane says multiple times they are comfortable with him being there, let facts come out etc. - as well as implying the story not consistent w/ the person they've known 1.5 yrs. To me that would be a weird thing to say if you thought he might have done everything in the report
  5. Doubt he will miss the game for a shoulder bruise - he likely will just increase his pre-game meth/coke/amphetamine cocktail intake or whatever the hell it is that spazzes him out so much during games 😛
  6. Orlovsky is good. A lot of these guys who make the rounds have their laptop in front of them to peek at stuff to reference and here the dude is in the back of a moving car just talking off the cuff and giving detailed analysis of schemes and players like it is nothing
  7. Someone needs to hang it on the bulletin board in the ref locker room
  8. QFT vs the ridiculous takes on here how Mac Jones marched them down the field like Joe Montana Similar to the whole 'was great as a rookie - a Pro-Bowler!' - narrative. He was nothing more than a mediocre dink and dunk game manager his rookie year with no notable physical skills - who for some inexplicable reason the media fell in love with and resulted in him being a warm body to be the fill in for the first fill in who said FU to the Pro Bowl and that stupid meaningless 'honor' But But it was the coordinators fault last year! Crying and screaming on the sideline which I'm sure he thought made him look 'Fiesty' - but instead just made him look like a petulant child and revealed him to the the weak minded loser he is. Now everyone knows the fault is his - he sucks, is a dirty POS player, and has a punchable face. F him, and F the Cheaters - couldn't have happened to two more deserving pieces of sh!t
  9. If a FG needs to be missed to help the Bills zero chance it happens
  10. Have to laugh at fans who cheer big plays oblivious to flag being thrown - all I'm conditioned to do is wait wait wait for a flag after a big play before cheering
  11. No doubt cincy will kick a 67 yder
  12. Joe Buck been waiting for chance to to roll out "snaptronaut" all night
  13. Did the Bills practice today? Was Vonnie in the bldg? I don't see anything on BB.com
  14. No need to talk yourself into it - theres plenty here who can do that for you
  15. Holy crap post game - when do they ever go on to campaign calls for the losing team - this is truly unbelievable
  16. Omg are they seriously trying to Zapruder for contact that happens on every hail Mary ever
  17. Tirico's first words on the call "Lot of contact!" - give me a break
  18. Pachecko can eat a bag of d***s
  19. Refs huddling trying to figure out how to give kc the ball plus 15 yds
  20. That's his trademark post-int prance
  21. That after all of Collinsworth's pre-***** for Mahones before KC even got the ball for that drive lol
  22. F that. Hope they get curb stomped to the point they question if they are really as good as all the fawning media says
  23. Wow a DB that turns back to find the ball on a long pass - that's a lost art in the NFL
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