QFT vs the ridiculous takes on here how Mac Jones marched them down the field like Joe Montana
Similar to the whole 'was great as a rookie - a Pro-Bowler!' - narrative. He was nothing more than a mediocre dink and dunk game manager his rookie year with no notable physical skills - who for some inexplicable reason the media fell in love with and resulted in him being a warm body to be the fill in for the first fill in who said FU to the Pro Bowl and that stupid meaningless 'honor'
But But it was the coordinators fault last year! Crying and screaming on the sideline which I'm sure he thought made him look 'Fiesty' - but instead just made him look like a petulant child and revealed him to the the weak minded loser he is. Now everyone knows the fault is his - he sucks, is a dirty POS player, and has a punchable face.
F him, and F the Cheaters - couldn't have happened to two more deserving pieces of sh!t