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Everything posted by stevewin

  1. NO - stay away! Another defensive score coming!
  2. And HappyDays missed it 😛
  3. And HappyDays missed it 😛
  4. Raiders need to get back to runs and screens
  5. I feel like producers are just trolling fans now - they know it will drive people crazy but don't care because it will just generate more conversation
  6. LOL offside offense - is Patty gonna have a hissy fit
  7. That was so mental. The drive starts out with both the cheaters and Denver having zero respect for the cheaters offense being able to make a first down. Then a miracle throw on 3rd down. Then a miracle kick that actually went in the bills favor for the first time in 5 yrs. crazy
  8. Just like so many games these past few weeks so frustrating to have to wish for trash teams to come through and they let you down because- well they're trash
  9. Anyone not think Denver wins on a fg after cheaters go 3 and out
  10. Ridiculous ruling on the catch - supposed to be it can touch the ground if you have possession, not that the ball hits the ground and pins it against your body so that you then get a hold of it
  11. Well if anything comes from this game the Bills will be reminded to take barmore seriously
  12. This is like the old Cheaters - unbelievable ridiculous ST play to turn the game
  13. More like 59 yd range
  14. 'Christmas Eve Classic'- more like Waste Managementt Bowl amirite
  15. I said in the miami-dallas thread think I'm going to need to take 2 showers tonight before going to bed
  16. And now I still have to root for the Cheaters tonight - gonna need a couple showers before I go to bed
  17. Should have picked him up and carried him in
  18. At this point should prob just let them score
  19. Not running on 1st down and getting sacked may have been the stupidest thing I've seen
  20. Whywhywhywhywhy
  21. Even God chimed in with the rain
  22. And worse draft position, but alas Meat Head pulls out the loss
  23. Falcons = Fail Clowns
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