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Everything posted by stevewin

  1. Knowing the news before watching the PC, I half-expected to hear an audible *gasp* from the reporter pool when the announcement was made The following comment kind of surprised me "First and foremost, it was a decision made by myself. The coaches were not involved in the decision, this was a decision that I made. Certainly I spoke with Brandon, like I do about every decision" I find it kind of odd he did not involve coaches at all, but did consult Beane (especially if you subscribe to the belief the GMs primary role is to create the roster and it's the coach's job on how to use it)
  2. This week after our usual texting session during a game, my final text to my 19 year old son was sincere apology for being the cause of his Bills fandom and the Bills heartbreak he has known literally his whole life. It wasn't the first time I had apologized to him for that
  3. Another Patriots** game, another game with TV on mute
  4. Chuck Lester
  5. Coaches complaining about “not fitting the run” does not bring good memories
  6. How many run plays will be required to run it in from the 30?
  7. To be known from here on out in bills history as The Run Drive
  8. This might be the most embarrassing single drive in the last 17 years
  9. This is honestly ridiculous
  10. We are going to need to score a td every possession from here on out - since looks like that is what saints are going to do
  11. It's funny, in terms of saturation, they probably should get rid of the Thurs night games - but I still am interested and watch them every week. The problem is how many times teams look like crap during them. Maybe only scheduling teams coming off bye would help - but now it's obvious that the majority of times teams just aren't ready. I would watch multiple games on Mon too. The problem for me isn't that there are too many games on - but how many times when I tune them in the games are not good. Like some others, CTE and protest mean nothing to me. I've always thought they should reduce the play clock. Especially when you watch a condensed version of the game you realize how much of the game is just guys standing around. There's no reason why teams can't be ready to snap the ball in much less time. How much more exciting is a game when teams are running no huddle. It is not a matter of players not being able to do it, it is just that teams would have to make some adjustments - substitute more, hustle up after plays end, be better conditioned, etc. It would make the game go faster, guys hustling on the field between plays instead of walking/standing, likely involve more of the roster, add more strategy, and make it much more fun to watch IMO.
  12. Great our team's a joke again
  13. Should have not lost 4 yds on 2nd and 1
  14. Wish Tate or KB was active
  15. yes - absolutely stopped the direction/momentum of Hyde
  16. zayzayzayzayzayzayzayzay
  17. Toss it up to KB! Oh...
  18. Romo lovin some O'leary. No mention of gloves
  19. Dline needs to step up their game - no pressure, getting pushed around
  20. Going to hate it if Hyde is back there. Don't get the 'toll on the body' argument for KB that Sal mentioned. Thought they could just limit his snaps - put him in in the red zone and just throw it up to him a few times
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