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Everything posted by stevewin

  1. Would be an excellent decoy for Deonte Thompson
  2. Did you do this while attending high level business meetings?
  3. I blame Colt Anderson
  4. Linebackers coach and ST coordinator at Harvard when Fitz was there. Coincidence?
  5. I don't necessarily read it as playing - I thought it was more to wait to see if he got the nod/honor - then come out if he did with the news that he couldn't play and was retiring because of the injury.
  6. Things the NFL should gift to the XFL: - The Patriots** - Color Rush uniforms - Catch rule - Al Riveron - Billy Buffalo - Train Whistle - Rex Ryan
  7. Just as there was a generation of Bills fans who never knew what it was to go to the playoffs, there will be a generation who will never know what it is to see a Bills cheerleader Perhaps for the future we can aspire for a generation that someday says "What the hell was a Billy Buffalo??" AND "They used to blow a TRAIN WHISTLE? Constantly? WTF?!"
  8. I'll say he played his entire career in an organization dedicated to systematic cheating. I'll say that he learned to play the position of quarterback for years knowing what defense was called and getting information in his headset until right before the snap, some of which likely continued on through his entire career. I'll say imagine how many other QBs could have had great records/stats if they learned to play QB in the NFL under similar circumstances. I'll say that probably just scratches the surface of other advantages through cheating he''s had his entire career. I'll say his success also includes the most unbelievable incredible string of breaks due to officiating, stupid opponent coaches, his kicker, and baaaaarrrreeely missed plays the history of sports has ever seen. I'll say similar to Mark McGwire and Lance Armstrong, his accomplishments should be completely discounted and he should be shunned as a pariah, not a hero. I'll say the mere mention of him as GOAT makes me ill. Hopefully by the time I have grandkids I'll be able to say finally the whole truth came out by the time you were born.
  9. And link to Buffalo Jills Home Page
  10. Vic hitting the sauce on a weekday?
  11. Ah - that's probably what I was thinking of. All Hail The Avenger!
  12. Wasn't a huge fan of Hogboy (and that whole poster genre) - but the spearing contest thread was inspired
  13. I always thought in TBD mythology The Avenger posted the first message. I guess the first "non-Scott" message... "Al from So. Cal" - that's a sweet screen name ICE, and bennie in ogden - omg
  14. Nope. Skipping SB party - told my wife she can go on her own. I'll tape it and watch it afterwards if Cheaters lose - otherwise will delete it. F them
  15. Sigh - I'm still so annoyed from early game I can't enjoy this game rn
  16. Philly should lose for no other reason than those stupid dog masks Oh - and I Fing HATE the Fing Cheaters***!!!
  17. Boomer summed it up in the halftime show - quote: "Now it's Gillette stadium so the flags have to start coming out, don't they boys?"
  18. You must not have watched the last 2 minutes of the first half
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