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Everything posted by stevewin

  1. Don't forget the unbelievable spot to gI've a mendola a 1st down when he was clearly clearly at least a yard short. Either incomprehensible incompetence by that ref, or a purposeful decision to ignore the play and deceitfully award the first to the cheaters. Either way the guy should be relieved of his position immediately. Honestly, I would lose my job if I did as a bad a job at my job as the idiot who overturned the td or the ref who spots the ball a full yard past where it was caught right in front of him.
  2. I can't stand it when people say the Patriots don't need to cheat, don't need help from the refs etc etc to win. It is completely integral to them winning!
  3. They had a td at the end of the half but it was taken away
  4. They took 7 off for us and gave them 3
  5. Get ready to bend over again
  6. There should be a gras roots campaign then to find the name of that incompetent MFer and make sure he never works in that positu on again. Sheer incompetence. I would lose my job in a second if I was as bad at irmt as that awipe is There should be a gras roots campaign then to find the name of that incompetent MFer and make sure he never works in that positu on again. Sheer incompetence. I would lose my job in a second if I was as bad at irmt as that awipe is
  7. Who ultimately has final say on the overturn, the league office or ref on the field?
  8. This. Should have known they were going for it when it was 3rd down, and run it on 3rd
  9. Please no Tolbert or dimarco here
  10. Thought nfl did away with th back to back commercials after score/kickoff
  11. We aspire to be the wofford of the nfl
  12. I thought this thread was going to be about a racist reporter from Buffalo named Jack Media
  13. I lived through the Dolphin domination of the 70’s, and my hatred for those teams doesn’t come close to my hatred of the Patriots** which burns with the intensity of 1000 suns. At least the Dolphins won legitimately.
  14. In the context of Leroi of all things
  15. Three words - Joe Webb Package
  16. Wasn't aware Suh was playing TE that day. Plus if you think stepping on someone's arm is worse than flying with your full weight on the back on someone's head causing a concussion then I'm not sure what to tell you
  17. I feel the whole thing is playing right into the Cheaters hands. They will have a plan to try to capitalize off any Bills emotion by needling them throughout the game in an effort to draw penalties. Same as what the did to capitalize on Rex's 'undisciplined' teams
  18. Rob Gronkowski's roid-rage fueled assault on the face-down head of a defenseless player after the play and off the field is the most despicable and cowardly act by a tight end since the inception of the NFL
  19. That tool box could double as a lunch pail
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