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Everything posted by stevewin

  1. I imagine it was lent to "them" - one of the reports mentioned Shady saying people loaned them jewelry for events. I'm sure regardless of if it was for her specifically to wear, Shady felt (or was) responsible for getting the jewelry back to whoever loaned it. Edit: I'm referring to why Shady would generally care about the jewelry getting back to the owner - and agree that it would not be a reason for him to hire someone to retrieve it - if anything it supports the theory that someone else knew about it and decided to take it for themselves
  2. Beane should have seen this coming and traded his entire draft for Saquon - asleep at the wheel
  3. More parallels with OJ - I still believe OJ's son did it
  4. Man, if Beane somehow knew about this and still had the cojones to not blink and push back on Jags for conditional 5th instead of just 6th - wow. https://wgr550.radio.com/articles/news/art-deal
  5. It all comes down to whether Shady ordered the code red. Who can handle the truth
  6. You have to be a female only to attend one of his private event celebrations
  7. In the late 90s I lived across from a golf course that hosted a celeb tourn for the Jimmy V Foundation. Late in the day I noticed that James Lofton was in a group, and decided (inexplicably) to run home and get a camera to get a picture with him. The temp was over 90 degrees, and I soon realized the distance was much longer from that hole than I estimated. By the time I made it back I was soaked in sweat and could barely breathe. As I approached Lofton I'll never forget the alarmed look on his face as this crazy sweaty person with heaving breathing approached him. It got even worse when I tried to blurt out some incomprehensible ImabillsfanIusedtowatchyouatrichstadiumthoseweresomegreatdaysGoBills blather. He was very nice though and took the picture - to this day I'm not sure if he thought I was a slow adult.
  8. This was the other Cleveland game (besides the infamous 6-3 game) I was thinking of (I think you actually identified the actual game for me the last time there was a thread on this subject). . I don't think I've ever been so cold - shivering on a cold steel bench with my feet on ice. For years and years it was a running joke with my brother whenever something was bad - "As bad as the Cleveland game?" At least I didn't cry (not on the outside anyway). What a great date for that girl
  9. I used to have a borderline irrational hatred for Coy Wire. I hated (hated) he had so many fans but he sucked SO BAD. I used to just isolate on him at games and just watch him run around clueless like a steroided chicken with his head cut off - always (always) out of position. But he could jump out of the shallow end of a pool ...
  10. This. This subject comes up periodically - and this "game" is head and shoulders below all the rest. Flying in, we just found out our kids had swine flu. My son went to the game anyway - and he (also) remembers it as one of the worst experiences of his life. We had the worst seats I ever had at a game (top corner upper deck) - with the bitter cold wind just cutting into your bones. I just remember sitting there wishing over and over for it to be over. The only interesting thing that happened was a drunk tripping while running down the stairs and going full superman airborne right in front of us about 20 rows - had to be a world record. Can't believe the guy didn't die. All who attended died a little that day. There was another horrible Cleveland game in the mid-80s I think that was the only rival - freezing cold with rain - I was literally shivering the whole 2nd half thinking WTF am I doing?
  11. You'd need a quantum computer to calculate all the permutations of Bills starting QBs and their college RBs over the last 17 years
  12. Bills Beat Deep
  13. Slightly off topic but the greatest nickname in all of sports - "The Great One"
  14. That's all great - but how do we get rid of the train horn?
  15. Too bad we don't have sigs anymore
  16. OK thanks. I see now the non-night ticketed practices (@ 8:45, 2:15) are weekend so that makes sense now.
  17. So if you live out of town you would have to find someone to get them for you? Is there a cost or are they free? I guess I don't get the point of the tickets - I can see for night time practices where it might get filled to capacity - but for a practice at 8:30 in the morning?
  18. Can someone explain how/where you get tickets for ticketed practices? (I thought historically the night practices were the ticketed ones - but doesn't seem to be the case)
  19. Cleveland will come calling during TC when they realize nether Tyrod or Baker are viable options ?
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