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Everything posted by stevewin

  1. IF the Bills don't win, the Cheaters won't even break a sweat against the Titans which sucks
  2. No one talks about this game. I was there - the end of an era
  3. On NFL network they've been showing a clip of him stretching/warming-up while they talk about his potential availability. I was assuming it was an old clip because he was jumping around and didn't look hampered at all. Now I think it actually was from yesterday's practice. Full speed cutting is obviously a little different story - but I fully expect him to play. Tape the crap out of that thing and unleash him!
  4. You are looking good, my friend
  5. Or it was a cold blooded poisoning/mercy-killing by McD. Billy Buffalo Must Die was item #1 in the process
  6. The drought is over - and I haven't seen him. Coincidence?
  7. A mole looking to pull a fire alarm?
  8. I get the reference - RE: kickoff STAY IN YOUR LANES
  9. Just realized - the streak died and Billy Buffalo is still alive! (or is he??)
  10. Saw something interesting yesterday - as long as he is unsigned, he can talk to playoff team coaches without it being considered tampering. I thought they would delay the announcement longer for that reason.
  11. There were a lot of us...until 1993 happenned
  12. For SB XXV I was in Poughkeepsie too! (working). Was a tough Monday at work with all the Giants fans
  13. Cheating is the one thing that deserves most of the credit for the faux "dynasty"***
  14. Yes - the combination of positive accounts from players, as well as on field success can only be positive. I disagree with the people who say "it's all about the money". Players make decisions based on other factors as well.
  15. Those 9 wins were primarily due to Jim Schwartz, not miserable Doug and his stupefyingly inept Boy Unwonder Nate Hackett
  16. I said in another thread they'll all be wearing t-shirts and hats from '90-'93 that say Buffalo Bills Super Bowl Champions
  17. What was he thinking taping and not showing his legs/feet as he walked
  18. Some nice insight in there - this was my favorite - shows he really has been successful changing how the players approach their job and continues to be a work in progress (daresay example of culture change)
  19. Just doubled goal to 40K. That's a lot of footballs!
  20. In preparation just putting this out there in the event we want to thank Blake after Sunday for a few ints and pick sixes https://www.blakebortlesfoundation.com/
  21. Today's the day we find out where the stadium is! And how much our parking garage is worth!
  22. AJD Foundation needs a live donation counter
  23. I actually read it at first as 'expected' - which I thought might be sending the wrong message I wasn't making fun of a spelling error, which I now see is what it was
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