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Everything posted by stevewin

  1. Cue the people who now will say they are scared of the Jets next week bc they will be desperate
  2. Why the hell would you drop everyone when Rodgers is a 100 yr old beat up statue - just keep going after him jfc
  3. I might have missed it have they breathlessly showed the fascinating footage of Saleh running the stadium steps before the game yet
  4. So sick of hearing how great the Jets D is - maybe that will start to end now - esp if they actually start calling penalties on sauce
  5. Let's hope he Wally Pipps that mother
  6. So good - we've just gotten accostomed to the crap that is spit out today it's so nice to see highlights like that again
  7. Good. F them to Hell.
  8. After they auction off the piss troughs
  9. I normally suffer from 'uniform blindness' - but wtf?
  10. That's a great stat 😆
  11. Will never listen to a game he does - but even so can confirm he is a cheating douchebag
  12. Play design was so weird - and by weird I include stupid. At first I thought for sure the play was designed to have Josh continue rolling to the right - and he stopped bc Van Noy blew it up. But if he did continue to his right the routes when you look at them make even less sense. Then if I think omg maybe Josh was supposed to awkwardly stop and move to his left like he did it makes it even more stupid.
  13. I believe he was with the LBs for the team group photos that were released last week
  14. Car ownwership. He likes to have it clean driving to and from high level meetings
  15. I first saw Femdom Seppuku and thought maybe this was some wild misplaced alternate porn category discussion thread
  16. That's really weird - do you know if the home side of the model was actually different? Seems really odd to not make both sides the same - maybe the model guy let his kid finish gluing it together and the kid screwed up
  17. I'll always go back to it - if anyone thinks this guy is a leader of men and a good HC you just need to watch last season in-season hard knocks. When things started going sideways it was pathetic to the point of cringe watching him try to fire guys up and lead when that was what was required - beyond the word salads and "quirkiness" the media loves so much. For the KC game you can almost hear the eye rolls and tuning out from the players when he was trying to "lead". There's a reason his personality is one of one in the NFL as a HC - because it doesn't work.
  18. Regarding the trick play - aside from calling it at that point of the game, the play itself was so weird/bad. You take the guy who gets the snap and has the attention of the defense - then have that guy run right at Allen so then when he gets it everyone is already focused on that area. The only thing I can think is that Van Noy blew it up so fast, that It was supposed to be more of a reverse with Josh continuing across the field, but with Van Noy right there he audibled and tried to go back to the left. At the snap Knox is lined up over Van Noy, but ignores him and runs to the right (and Dion subsequently totally whiffs on Van Noy) which also makes me think Knox's respnsibilty was blocking the back side for when Allen came around. Regardless - a complete mess all around. The all-22 also shows no one open downfield anyway. Put it in the basement of the Louvre. I also think with Samuel the turf toe might still be an issue and sadly might be for a long while - as long as that is true I don't think we'll really get any meaningful production out of him.
  19. There was an interview with Ingraham one of the days before the game and all he talked about was stopping them by "being physical" - in a way that i kept thinking balt will see this as a challenge. Then later I saw an interview with Hamilton where he mentioned physicality as well - almost in response to Bills comments. Balt responded also with their actual play on the field
  20. Henry didn't get 200! 👍
  21. Attack Lamar and whoever has the shot freaking tackle him
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