I saw Thurman at the Buffalo airport flying out after he was inducted to the Wall of Fame. I congratulated him and he said thanks.
Been on flights with Christian Laettner a couple times back to Buffalo when he was in school. Also was on a flight once with Randy Macho Man Savage.
Once at JFK Andy Rooney was directly ahead of me in line at one of the news stands - he almost walked away without his bag but I intervened - he also said Thanks
Just watched. OMG - just when you thought their relationship was over they pull them back! Now a sudden devastating ending to Kim back in play. Genius how they manipulated that one.
Don't think he'll be a number one, but I certainly think he can develop into someone who can stretch defenses. Do people forget deep balls bouncing off Beebe's hands? I used to call him "The Deep Threat That Couldn't Catch The Long Ball"
Was at that game with my Dad, brother and our sons on our annual pilgrimage for my Dad's bday. Framed the SI cover and put a strip of pics of us from the game along the bottom and gave it to my Dad as a present - hangs proudly on his wall
I find the Booger floating above the field in front of a packing trunk like some kind of football analyst roadie, part of the broadcast booth but not really, kind of bizarre
"We're young" and a "Work in progress" should replace One Buffalo Beat Harder Run Deep as the the new slogan. It's like they had a high level business meeting and said "these are our new talking points - repeat them ad nauseam and fans will be lulled into lower expectations"