This game in a landslide. I also had the misfortune of attending this game. Our seats sucked at the top corner of the upper deck, it was freezing cold, both me and my then 11 yr old son had the flu, and the game was unwatchable. I must have thought to myself "I just want this to be over" at least 100 times that day. It seriously was torture.
And you forgot Roscoe's muffed punt to put a cherry on it.
The highlight of the game (which my son and I still talk about to this day) was when a drunk for some reason came sprinting down the aisle behind us, and precisely when he hit our row he tripped - and went full vertical and literally flew drunk-superman-like down 20 rows of stairs as if suspended in the air by the hand of God. It was one of the most amazing physical incidents involving a human I have ever witnessed. It still didn't make up for the crappy game though.