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Everything posted by stevewin

  1. I can't ever see Carroll's dumb chomping face without thinking of that and having pure hate fill my heart
  2. JA needs to grow a neck beard. Hard to believe less than a year ago McDaniels had screwed over the Colts and Ballard was being treated as a laughingstock for having the gall to say "the rivalry is back on" McDaniels being a flake is the best thing that happened for the Colts
  3. I'm actually stunned (gobsmacked?) that the percentage for is as high as it is! I think we should create an alternate board for horn lovers and banish them to only be able to post there.
  4. Yes - my point is I feel like if Houston was playing NE** next week this game is what I feel it would look like
  5. So glad I'm not watching this same game if it were NE** on the other side
  6. I'm struggling if I should root for the Colts b/c winner of Chargers/Ravens might be tougher game for the Cheaters? I have zero confidence Houston will beat them.
  7. Did they make this move so they could fire him now?
  8. It would have to refer to the most annoying player. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ?
  9. I get what you are saying - but was really thinking of more informal conversational things between friends ("KB's still lazy") - not direct espionage (or even necessarily inquiries for that matter)
  10. Ouch - don't see former players slagging an asst who just got fired every day
  11. OMFG. Is this even a question?
  12. Yeah - in the KB case I was mostly thinking of just friendly connections they might still have in the building not necessarily affiliated with the coaching staff or management - equipment guys, secretaries, ball boys etc etc - just people they might have known (friends essentially) who might have been observers on what was going on in the building in an unofficial sense.
  13. I was just rooting for him to succeed - no expectations other than that. Let him at least take some snaps before judging him. Someone should unearth those threads when we first drafted him - some of the the out of control screeching hate/vitriol for a guy we drafted before he ever took a snap was ridiculous and an embarrassment. It's one thing to have an (even strong) opinion and say "I don't like it - He wasn't my guy - I don't think he'll do well" - but some of the over the top negativity was patently ridiculous.
  14. I was thinking the exact same thing recently. Some of the moves, while you could say they took a swing and missed, are pretty brutal considering there is a whole pro personnel department dedicated to that task. KB is esp. bizarre - you would think they would have had some ears/eyes within the Carolina org that would have been able to give a no bull assessment of his effort/attitude - you would think they should have had even more info than other teams in that respect. And Coleman - the whole league had to be full of inside buzz/info on what he was about. Add Pryor to the list as well.
  15. Could have been named "5 minutes of missed catches most decent NFL receivers make" I honestly think velocity has something to do with some of them - exposing lack of skill. If you don't have great hands/skill to begin with, if the ball is coming in really fast you are more likely to miss it.
  16. They should lend Miami their yacht for the interview. While they're at it, pay for a flight down for Russ B to go along as an adviser
  17. One thing that doesn't seem to be talked a lot about related to this is Tomlin lying about the "knee injury". That's a pretty bad look (at a minimum)
  18. If somehow Rex does become the Dolphins HC expect him to put keithtowbridge on the PS then activate him just for Bills game so he can make him a captain
  19. How nice is it going to be entering camp and having the QB rotation set in stone and not have to worry about QB "battles" and dealing with doling out equal reps, preseason snaps etc
  20. Just a side note - my daughter goes to school with and is very good friends with his brother - has met Garrett and the family - good people all the way around. Would be psyched if we drafted him.
  21. I have to believe that Mills might have retaliated after the guy pulled his facemask - we just didn't see it (BTW I think that was the lowest amount of replays I've ever seen in an NFL production). It was definitely Boettinger who deserves the praise for being the first to jump in the fray and bury dirty Kiko. Honestly - if the Dolphin hadn't grabbed Allen's helmet and facemask and inadvertently moved it out of the way of the dullard missile I think Josh would be in the hospital tonight. It was amazing to watch Allen run in the open field these last games. It is crazy to see a QB so big run like he does - like a runaway horse.
  22. I saw the ball hit the turf and get dragged on the turf by the hand
  23. The right foot literally never touched the ground before the ball arrived - wasn't close
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