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Everything posted by stevewin

  1. 999999 times out of 1000000 that fumble gets recovered by the other team
  2. As long as the new McKenzie dude can catch a kick without affecting my heart rate I'm happy
  3. Ha I couldn't think of anything, but this story did remind me of one time. One year at the NC State Fair at the Dave's "I Got It Booth" we went to cash in our win coupons for valuable prizes, and they saw my Bills shirt and said "Bills fan! Let me see what we have in the back!" and brought out all Bills related merchandise they had (not sure if they had just done a fair in NY or something). Turns out Dave himself is from WNY. Every year since then, at this point as a joke, I go up and ask if there's any Bills stuff in the back.
  4. I say the same damn thing. It is incomprehensible how stupid it is to even go after the kicker in that situation. You just went from being pinned at the 1 yd line to moving them back into their own end with all the momentum of the game changed - and will get the ball in good field position. Unbelievably stupid play - it just goes beyond disbelief
  5. LOS 38, Brady pass bounces at 34, 4 yards short of LOS. It is the definition of intentional grounding for every other QB in the NFL
  6. Add it to the list of Billsy ways to lose
  7. Surprised there are fans who watched that who have enough emotion to fight - I went dead before halftime
  8. At east we made the score appear to be 3FGs to keep it in our comfort zone
  9. What is this thing "Buffalo Touchdown" the man on the TV tubes spoke of?
  10. Bears give each other snacks. Get on it McD
  11. First time Cohen was dead to rights for a loss and didn't reverse field for like 20 yds
  12. Remember when the we were all excited because Benjamin big body just throw it up and he'll go get it
  13. He needed to return that all the way - that was our closest shot at a TD
  14. Not sure if Crossman can spell it
  15. This seems like some kind of twisted beaten fan stockholm syndrome
  16. Is he choking while drinking the Kool Aid?
  17. The thing is - if you're going to commit to taking off in that situation you've got to be willing to try to do everything to reach the EZ - cut back into the field of play, not run out of bounds - what's the point?
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