A couple years ago my son and I were watching a game in my house and my wife came home and walked into the room all cheery like "What's the score?" - at that moment in a particularly tense game something really bad happened for the Bills, and in unison my son and I screamed at her "Get Out! You're Bad Luck!" and at first she kind of smiled like ha ha, then realized we were totally serious. I'll never forget the look on her face as she was banished from the room. Now it's a running joke in our house if we're watching together in the room and something bad happens we tell her to leave.
Before Sunday Ticket I used to drag my kids to games at restaurants with Satellite every Sunday - literally from the time they were babies. My kids have grown up unwavering Bills fans in non-Bills country, even as the team has sucked basically their entire life (they are 21). On more than one occasion after an especially brutal loss in my state of misery I've apologized to them for having brought this fate upon them. Recently my son confided to me that after the Bills beat the Bengals to finally make it to the playoffs basically for the first time in his lifetime - he was in the shower and all the years of despair and loyalty and disappointment washed over him and he literally started crying - not just because he was so happy for himself but also for me and his Grandpa.
The best part of gameday now for me is texting with my son during the game. No matter where he ends up in life I know we'll always have that connection every Sunday during football season.