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Everything posted by stevewin

  1. Can't wait now for Hollywood Henderson to be in the booth yucking it up
  2. NOW PUNCH IT IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. This is like a preseason game coverage - announcers just ignoring the game
  4. Npw kick it out of the EZ and hold them again
  5. Should have been 4th and 5 not inches if we would have just tackled and we'd have the ball now. dammit
  6. I feel like they're going to challenge the spot during commercial and it's going to be overturned to 1st down
  7. Gee I hope they do nothing but talk about Jerry Fing Jones all game
  8. Love having long shots of Jerry Jones instead of replays of phantom penalties
  9. This game thread is a change for me - usually I watch the game streaming on Sunday Ticket and it usually is at least a full play behind so I usually have to be careful not to look too far ahead - not today
  10. Shot of Morse on the sideline - looks like he has a special glove with bracing. Will be looking closely at snaps if he is playing
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