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Everything posted by stevewin

  1. Dont understand why Colts just don't do the same beast mode Richardson sweep to the left for the conversion
  2. Was also a pretty horrible non-play by the TE - geez could you be any more unathletic to not even make a play for it
  3. Or just pause the Pitt game for a few hours while the Most Important game of the day is played
  4. Pitt game taking forever, hope it doesn't bleed into Bills game
  5. Can pitt get through this without russ taking a 20 yd sack
  6. God russ reach the ball out to get the 1st
  7. Its like a Low Positive Lamar in this game - forgoing so many plays he could have probably made with his legs
  8. The best part of that game is the shots of pissed off Jests fans in the crowd
  9. Also fun to watch two other afc contenders beat the crap put of each other
  10. He can sing with the fat lady in the opera
  11. One of the intriguing storylines for this game is how will Bills Mafia cope with the extra 4 hours of drinking. What is Fanduel o/u on number bathing in porta-potty waste and jumping into an imaginary pit
  12. Woke up this morning and the first thought I had was wonder how Josh slept. I may need help
  13. As a Moon guy you know a lot about the sun 😛
  14. On things like what Taylor is doing you warn him first - right off the bat - and say if you keep doing it we're going to throw the flag. And when he does it throw the flag and tell him - if you keep doing it we'll just keep throwing it - tell Reid too. Set the precedent/expectation. If they keep doing it they deserve to get a flag every play. Not calling it is what makes it unbearable
  15. If Kincaid is out would be real interesting to see 2 RBs out there - including 2 back sets, where either or both can go out and catch passes
  16. I'm glad for this thread to be updated on who is actually on the CBS crew - haven't watched the network pregame shows in ages
  17. Never heard of this guy and as I was watching was wondering if he was being serious or it was some bit
  18. Honestly my disdain for him is less from the cheapshot and more from him just being a Patriot douchebag
  19. So a little while ago earlier today I'm taking a walk through my neighborhood in NC minding my own business, and the mailman is passing then stops and flags me down. He proceeds to start SCREAMING at me "NOBODY!" I'm thinking wtf? "AND I MEAN ABSOLUTELY NOBODY!" At this point I'm getting uncomfortable and wondering if/how this is going to end and if the guy is going to go 'postal' on me - he keeps going: "NOBODY IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD!!!!!" "CIRCLES THE WAGONS LIKE THE BUFFALO BILLS!" Then he drove off. I realized I was wearing a Bills shirt. Going to go ahead and take the Bills-positive encounter with the screaming civil servant as a positive omen for this weekend. Bills by a Billion.
  20. Sometimes I'm out with my son who graduated college a couple years ago and is still in the college cheap beer mindset and he'll order a PBR and it shocks me. I tell him I'm buying I'll pay for him to have a good beer 😛
  21. Or the years when if you started 0-2 you already knew right then you had no chance to make the playoffs
  22. To me that's on the fans who choose to feel that way - not on the situation that the team you root for is actually good. It's a litttle crazy to me some people choose to turn that into a negative somehow and want to be miserable even in the wake of now perrenial success
  23. I was actually about to reply to your first post "And then you punched him?" For me it's definitely more fun now than the drought days of Fitz and Tyrod.
  24. It certainly helps that their QB is a Turnover Machine
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