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Everything posted by stevewin

  1. OMG could be 35-0 at end of half w/o the fumbles
  2. They ran the McKittrick jet sweep for a year to set up that play
  3. Josh gunning for Lamar for best running QB
  4. Pretty sure the first one went over the net
  5. Time to tee off on the QB
  6. Seems like they've stepped up their fake fan noise game
  7. Josh gotta keep everyone happy
  8. That was a damn fine return
  9. More room to pad stats
  10. Defense hasn't been bad either
  11. They have to be setting up something with all these damn QB runs
  12. Billy Buffalo should jump off the top deck
  13. Took out the short person - can't we all get along
  14. Bills need to bring in the NHL fake crowd noise guys as consultants
  15. Gabriel Davis has never not caught a pass thrown his way in an NFL game
  16. With the piped in noise some stadiums might be louder than they would be with just regular fans. I'm just dreading Bills homes games if they overdo the damn tran horm even more than usual (if that's possible)
  17. They were piping in noise in the KC game https://www.arrowheadpride.com/2020/9/4/21422804/chiefs-to-begin-season-with-prerecorded-crowd-noise-at-arrowhead-stadium-nfl-coronavirus
  18. I live in NC and my brother has lived in Sarasota for 2 decades. Are you my brother?
  19. https://www.arrowheadpride.com/2020/9/4/21422804/chiefs-to-begin-season-with-prerecorded-crowd-noise-at-arrowhead-stadium-nfl-coronavirus
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