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Everything posted by stevewin

  1. Wow Bill OB
  2. Hunt has better looking people in his box than Kraft
  3. Booger Mowins is one I think
  4. Ha what will talking heads say if Houston blows a 24-0 lead
  5. Does anyone else think Lonnie "friggin" Johnson every time they say his name
  6. Yes - part of what we are seeing is the great QB equalizer when WRs aren't playing well
  7. Watson hero ball lateral
  8. I'm kinda curious - I thought I heard something last week that JJ Watt was injured or something. Really hoping there's a chance they touch on that during the broadcast.
  9. Yes - make use of his arm and let him rip it on schemed/timed routes more vs dealing with all the variables for option routes
  10. That's what she said
  11. They are naive - everyone knows the only way to drive fan-initiated change is to erect a billboard
  12. He will be an epic fail if he goes outside his 20 yr system of cheating, 7 yrd slants, and phantom PI calls. My greatest joy will be seeing him go to another team next year and completely sucking - getting pummeled on a regular basis as he pouts and throws hissy fits (so "competitive"!) while announcers originally wail that poor Tommy just Doesn't Have Any Weapons ? - then slowly come to the realization he just isn't that good - as they remove his privates from their orifices and start to speak the truth that all along he was a product of the system - system of cheating. GOAT my a$$
  13. 4 pages and no one has posted a single pic? It's worth a thousand words, people!
  14. Every time i see Carroll's stupid face I think of him blowing that SB and handing it to the Cheaters
  15. I dont feel too bad for the kid. His little cheater fanhood, and that that of his whole little cheater fan generation, will be short lived and over before the Cheaters end up 8-8 next year
  16. Actually the rule now is that if a kick lands in the end zone without being fielded it is a touchback
  17. Kirk Cousins Mr Primetime/Playoff Clutch
  18. I was down so I went to patsfan.com to get cheered up. What really did it for me was a post someone made asking what they should do - their 9 year old was so devestated by the loss they cried themselves to sleep. The thought of this sad little sniveling chowderhead cheater fan brought a smile to my face and warmed my heart.
  19. It appears you're just being a troll at this point - hopefully everyone in this thread just starts to ignore you
  20. He meant to give himself up - but by rule did not. It is unambiguously defined in the rule book what needs to be done by a player to give himself up, and he did not do that. He did not hit the ground or take a knee - which is written in the rule as a requirement. It could not be more clear cut.
  21. Because everyone ran up to him and said "OMG there's going to be a real sh!tstorm if we let this stand, we have to reverse it because we all know what he meant to do!"
  22. ? This is a ridiculous thing to say The analogy starts from the time the ball is in the player's hands - and the analogy matches exactly. If a QB in victory formation (or any other time) has the ball and wants to give himself up he must take a knee. If a kick returner has the ball in his hand and wants to give himself up he must take a knee. Both by rule. Exact same application of rule as written.
  23. That's the whole point - "giving himself up" is defined in the rules as "falling to the ground, or kneeling, and clearly making no immediate effort to advance" Ie. - falling to the ground or kneeling is required by rule to "give yourself up". Throwing ball to the ref, or yelling "I'm giving myself up" - or waving a sign that says same does not satisfy the rule
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