These were all in one post: Doug Whaley/Buddy Nix, EJ Manual, Kevin Kolb, Thad Lewis, Jeff Tuel, Kyle Orton, Seantrel Henderson, Doug Marrone, Nate Hackett, Rex Ryan *shudders*
Slightly OT - my son got me good yesterday (April 1) - txted "I can't believe the Bills just signed Cam Newton! What a waste of cap space, and risk ruining Josh Allen" - totally fell for it - I was like wtf and immediately jumped here and... nothing.
Would prob pick Cribbs over McGahee, but I'm sure there's a bias towards players who played when the game existed (and player already instantiated in game)
This is an excellent post. The other point that the late round pick hand-wringers are completely missing is Beane was never going to use those extra 5th and 6th roumd picks to draft players in this draft. Never. They were acquired as draft captital exclusively to use to trade for targeted players.
The other thing i think that people are missing with Beane is that he is not hung up on what the perceived chart value of a trade is. His MO is to get draft captital to make moves, and use what it takes to get the guy he wants. The extra picks were stockpiled for that purpose, and that's what he used them for. Same as what he did to get Josh.