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Everything posted by stevewin

  1. Dolphins starting to think of that warm bus...
  2. Ball too cold for the dolphin to catch lol
  3. I SOOOOOOOOOOO badly want the 'can't win under 40 degrees' narrative to stay alive. Please make it so
  4. I keep thinking of hard knocks and his nice home on the water and how it will be up for sale soon
  5. I'm thankful for Josh Allen - oh, and my family
  6. I think part of the point is not how 'hard-hitting' the questions are - but also how poorly they are phrased so that the already trivial question is already answered in the question. It's one of my pet peeves for the local hockey reporters in my area - they are masters of it: "How great was the fantastic crowd tonight!" "Ummm - they were great"
  7. More specifically you don't want your unicorn QB's skills to be equalized to theirs
  8. A few years ago I finally took the vibrating football game from my Dad's house that had been there for over 50 years (my parents kept many of our old toys for years at their house for grandkids - choking hazards and other safety issues be damned - including original old school metal jarts ) Rescued may be more appropriate- I was moved to take action after I believe he mistakenly got rid of the slot hockey game from the same era that I told him to never get rid of I also made sure many years ago to grab the football, basketball (including Buffalo Braves) and hockey cards my brother and I both collected in the early 70's. We had complete or almost complete sets of football cards years 71-74 (I'll always remember Frenchy Fuqua he was the only player missing from one year). They had sat there for years as a kind of neutral zone so my brother and I didn't have to address the issue of who would get them or how to split - i think he thinks they are still there 😛
  9. Stupid yellow shoes making it seem like there's a flag every play
  10. Number of penalties is a completely worthless stat. To do an worthwhile analysis you would need to review the calls in the context of the game - how many were drive/game altering penalties - how many were BS 5 yd holding calls on the defense on 1st down that didn't affect the game at all. And even more importantly as has been noted how many weren't called. Because a team has a lot of penalties doesn't mean that they don't have just as many that aren't called - in fact if they are so undisciplined or looking to get away with penalties (see Taylor lining up wrong or jumping the snap seeming every play) the likelihood is they probably have more that aren't called (and probably are as drive/game changing as penalties that are called)
  11. Classic will be if Rex totally dismantles the current 'historical' Jets defense to try to squeeze it into his defense. That will set them back a couple years minimum right there
  12. Rex is starting to ratchet up getting his interest in the Jets HC job known out there. Yesterday on Bart Scott's show They were talking about it on Get Up this AM - interesting that was no mention of his failure with the Bills
  13. First thing that popped in my head when I saw the title was that it was going to be gambling related
  14. This is undoubtably what Jemeis was referring to when he said post-game "When you're 2-8 every game is important."
  15. Haven't gone through this thread, and not sure if it is relevant - but noticed this year there's some guys that tailgate on Abbot that used to have a big Brady face with a dick in his mouth and it's now a big Mahomes face with a dick in it's mouth
  16. Maybe he caught it from Antonio's old locker
  17. Was afraid maybe they plastered Russ for a roughing penalty
  18. Do you have to be there "a million times" to "realize the urgency with 30 secs left" ?
  19. They could just rush 2 for the rest of the game 😛
  20. Hail Mary in a blizzard should be fun
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