I was thinking they would wait to fly morning of - what the Cheaters did. With the situation so fluid would want to plan for last possible instant. Also avoid staying in any hotels there
Oir LV win looking much more impressive now
Can't beleve players still greet each other after game over - I hope if we play Tenn everyone on Bills side sprints to the tunnel as soon as the whistle blows
The thing they miscalculated in my mind was the length of the incubation period and how long it might take for an infected person to test positve. It seems like they figured that by adding practice squad players they could just use those to replace people who were positive, not understanding/calculating that more related positives might continue to keep coming in at a later point in time (with those potentially having infected others during that time and so on)
When I read the first 13 words "Teddy bruschi said it well, "Whoever wins the Superbowl this year will have..." my brain immediately auto-filled in with "an asterisk associated with it" - and then thought, well he should know
I know he's not everyone's favorite - but enjoyed Rome's take on Brady's BS
After he was having his hissy fit on the OLman I was thinking (after thinking wish that guy would punch him in the face) who would want to block for this a-hole after that. I was fantasizing the next offensive play that all 5 would do an Ole' and watch him get buried in 1200 lbs of DL