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Everything posted by stevewin

  1. They need to put up a running counter - isn't that what Dalton did?
  2. Imagine how fun if the Cheaters lay an egg tomorrow night
  3. God this is so enjoyable
  4. This is the most entertaining blow out I've ever watched
  5. Ha Ha Ga nice QBing you Cheating POS
  6. But he's a different person! And credit to Brady for bringing him in and letting him stay at his house!
  7. Just want to see Tommy crying real tears on the sideline before this is over
  8. Should have let Drew have another TD pass to troll Brady
  9. Pisses me off the Bucs eeked out that win against the Giants last week
  10. Nice lead - now the Saints can tee off to destroy Tommy
  11. Cards going to have to game plan around Klein
  12. Sad - prayers to his family. Side story - My son might actually have her autograph. At TC a couple years ago we had a picture of Josh w/ my son and my Dad (my avatar) from the year before. We were sitting in the stands in the VIP area and Josh's parents, Brit, maybe a sister, and a grandmother (not sure if it was this one) were in front of us. I dared my son to get his parents to sign the pic as a joke - and he went over and they all signed the back - including the grandmother. My son talked with them for a little bit - very nice people. Edit: - I actually found a pic on my phone
  13. Bills have been purposely telling Klein to play horribly all year just to get him on tape for opponents then surprise unleash him for this game. 4d chess.
  14. Funny - my stream is always behind so I always try to stay a page behind - but know something big happens when I get a sudden notification with a ton of posts. Just before the ball is snapped an update flashed with tons of posts and I'm thing it's good or bad - then I see Klein coming from the edge and think OMG
  15. Had three guys around Metcalf in the INT - including Klein lol
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