From his first carry it was obvious the Chargers D was told to try to rip the ball out of Singeltary's hands - they were going after it every single time. After a while I figured he knew that was their plan so if anything it would have him focus even more on protecting it. That was a bad fumble.
On Josh's int, he got hit just as he let go of the ball - Diggs was behind the coverage and open. It wasn't a bad decision or terrible pass - just one of those things that happen.
We are the worst Hail Mary defense in the league. Seriously though - after two games in a row the defense has to start thinking about how they are defending (or not defending) it.
The PF on Moss was absolutely one of the most mystifying calls I've ever seen. At least on Josh's, he looked the defender in the eye before and after spinning it. All I saw Moss do was get up and toss the ball behind his back - never looked or said anything to anyone. That was crazy.
Klein can make plays as long as he is only asked to run stright ahead in a straight line
Still undefeated at 1:00 - too bad we have all these prime time games coming up 😛