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Everything posted by stevewin

  1. I should have said initial aggravation - the next two weeks will be a whole other thing
  2. My aggravtion at Bady winning is just now starting to wear off
  3. FML - going to be muting or changing the channel over 50% of the time for the next two weeks for SB coverage regardless of what happens tonight
  4. I should have said play/train year round. There's no doubt there's still kids who play multiple sports - but it's indisputable that there are less kids doing it nowadays, especially at big schools. Just google high school sports specialization. Also - I was talking about 3 sports - there's a huge difference between playing 2 sports and 3. Sure a bunch of football players play football and wrestle - now add trying out for baseball or lacrosse - against kids who play/train year round. The odds against them making that team are much lower (esp at large schools). When you say you've never met a kid who just played football or basketball that is not my experience, or the experience of other people I know who have kids that play those sports. At big high schools around here (and I'm sure other places) - they make a big deal with getting the kids together who sign to play a sport in college. At my kid's school there's usually 10-20 kids. I can say with certainty that in four years my kids were there (going back a few years), there was not a single athlete that signed to play a sport in college that played three sports in high school. By far the majority only played one. My kid's school was extremely competitive (they routinely win 4-5 state championships a year), but the same was true of the other big schools in the area (I knew many of those athletes from youth leagues, travel leagues etc). Of all my neices and nephews who played sports, and kids of friends around the country - I don't know of a single one that played three sports. I'm not saying that there aren't still kids who do - I'm saying it is much more rare than it used to be, especially at large schools. Many kids/parents think they need to start specializing in a single sport early on to play in college, or honestly to even make their high school team at many large schools (beacuse so many other kids are doing the same).
  5. Not where I live. In my kid's graduating class of 600+ I could count on one hand the number of boys and girls who played 3 sports (if you don't count running 3 seasons as different sports). By far most of the varsity athletes started specializing on travel teams before they even reached high school and played that one sport year round. Same for other schools in the area.
  6. The 1st Half Game thread just sits there pinned and locked - trolling me
  7. Love that picture of Josh - reminds me of my ridiculous HS sports jacket with patches all over it 😛 . One of my favorite things about him is he was a multi-sports star. I played 3 sports all 4 yrs in HS, both my kids did (my Dad actually played 4 back in the day they let him play both baseball and track in the same season) - just think it is cool in this age of specialization he just played all sports for the love of it and still succeded at the highest level.
  8. Kelly, Thomas, Reed on NFLN - then they ruin it by putting Irvin on
  9. That far exceeded my expectations - awesome
  10. Agreed - would much rather see 51-3
  11. The fact that he wasn't on the scout team could mean a return of the McKittrick jet sweep
  12. I've seen experts say stuff this week that honestly they just make up. It's not even lazy/old takes, just wrong ones - some totally from left field. But if they say it with a lot of volume and conviction it must be true. And there's rarely anyone else present with any actual knowledge to correct or challenge them. It's really been striking to me this week. I realized it's because it is probably always happening, but this week with more discussion on the Bills, a team I know more about, the falsehoods and innaccuracies stand out. It really has been kind of depressing to realize I watch so much content from people who honestly are so terrible at their job and provide nothing substantial.
  13. That was the best analysis I've seen. Someone with an understanding of what pieces the Bills were missing that first game (first person this week I've seen mention Allen's shoulder), but who actually watched other games and had perspective on what the Bills became as the season continued.
  14. I have a Bills logo on my garage door that's there year round - and usually during football season we have a small Bills flag up in the yard - nothing big and probably easily missed if you were just casually passing by. A couple weeks ago someone left a Bills hat in my mailbox. Have no idea who it was. A little creepy - but still cool
  15. Watching the football "analysis" by "experts" today on ESPN and NFL Network for the Bills/KC game has been crazy. The "analysis" is mostly a lazy rehash of the first Bills/KC game - with conclusions that the Bills D couldn't stop KC and Josh Allen wasn't good enough - so of course they can't beat KC this time. I get that they might Just Suck At Their Job, but they display no real knowledge of the team, the season, the players - other than just tired narratives (You Can't Stop The Chiefs Can Only Hope To Contain Them, When Will Bad Josh Allen Show Up blah blah blah). C'mon - there's 4 teams left - can't they shell out for NFL GamePass and watch a few games, read a few articles - do *something* to actually gain/show some knowledge about the subject they are supposed to be "experts" on? One show actually had a segment something like "Can the Bills overcome the big gaffe" - because JoSh FuMbLeD last two playoff games so it's a foregone conclusion. One guy even singled out the long throw to Diggs in the Balt game as a gaffe?! It's crazy.
  16. Maybe they'll come up with a new stat "touches" like they did with "hits" the game Bruschi came back
  17. https://www.jimrome.com/articles/taron-johnson (Looks like you have to sign up now to access interviews)
  18. It's crazy to me I haven't heard a single expert ever mention Allen's shoulder injury in the context of this game (or the three game stretch actually) - when it is common knowledge to even casual Bills fans. At least this guy mentions Feliciano being out.
  19. It went on sale at shoponebuffalo.com today and sold out right away
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