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Everything posted by stevewin

  1. It's crazy to me the guy is stil in that position. I hope a media storm grows with this one to throw some more egg on his fat face (and I don't even know if he's fat) Why can't the NFL be competent in this review process. How hard is it with some of these calls. I think the NFL has also made a mistake to put a face (possibly a fat one) on the whole replay system to make it (at least appear) like it comes down to one incompetent buffoon. In the NHL people don't care about some guy named Jacques Rivieron - it's the Situation Room in Toronto - at least gives the impression of a crack team of experts in a room full of wall to wall HD monitors.
  2. High level meeting smh
  3. It's great when poop, Depends, and groin all come together in one post
  4. The 30.5 second clock
  5. If we had lost, no doubt that play would have been singled out by all the haters in the media as "reckless Josh" even though he carried the team with his play the whole game
  6. I said in the GDT - it's ridiculous in the NFL no matter how absolutely clear the replay is, it is still completely stressful what the final call will be because you have no idea what they will actually call . It's just wrong.
  7. Imagine if they had lost
  8. It's a nice momento 😛 Also re-watching, my F bomb is sandwiched perfectly between my son sayng "Holy Crap!" and my wife "Oh My God!"
  9. This - someone else mentioned in one of the pregame threads this game scared them the most - just get past it then it's on
  10. So I had the TV set up out on the porch, before the game it starts flaking out a little, so I set up a laptop w/ stream Just In Case Something Goes Wrong during the game. Of course - on cue the TV blanks out in the final 2 mins. We're all then watching the end on a laptop - I'm pacing around and my daughter takes a video of the last play. My son's face like 2 ft from the laptop with a Yes! and a fist pump as the game ends - then I come into frame and let loose an F bomb - F#%#%#$!!! Just relief/anger that it had even come to that and at least it was F'in over. Feeling happy now - though still mostly relief
  11. The offense literally has to score a TD this drive or we will lose
  12. OK - we'll be up by at least 3 after the D lets them score
  13. Never been happier to see a touchback
  14. Offense needs to score - who thinks the D is going to stop the Colts when they get the ball back
  15. Reich making some questionable decisions this game
  16. F'in pathetic. 2mins. Ridiculous. IT'S THE F'ING PLAYOFFS LFG!
  17. OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. What a play - looked them off - gave him enough time for the play to develop
  19. I thought he was dead at first
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