Just super slo-mo'd the EZ shot of the punt block on GMFB - the guy who blocked it #28 just totally blew by Matakevich (who was lined up to the left of Ferguson) - #28 lined up straight across from Matakevich and at the snap got a little sideways and got initial leverage and just blew by him on the inside like he wasn't even there. There was a Steeler who was looping from right to left towards Matakevich, it looks like he got Matakevich's attention for the millisecond he was "engaged" with #28 - which helped #28 blow through. Jaquan Johnson was the protector on that side - not clear if Matakevich was thinking he was passing #28 over to Johnson - but unfortunately Johnson ran to the line first for the guy looping (who Matakevich was now blocking) and then the guy Ferguson was engaged with, and #28 had a clear path to the block. It was a great effort/skill play by #28 - got there straight up the middle almost as fast as if there literally was no one blocking him (and took the ball off Haack's foot while positioning himself perfectly to avoid contact in case he missed it) - but definitely seems between Matakevich and Johnson one (or both) of them messed up.