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Everything posted by stevewin

  1. What is the multiplier if Old Trapper is used
  2. I was there Sat and it was hot, but I definitely would not consider that day high humidity (not saying it wasn't hotter with higher humidity today) - having also lived in So Fl, it did not approach anything close to the typical late summer humidity in Fl
  3. I just got back from a week up there to the sweatshop humidity here in Carolina - is definitely a "dry" heat in comparison
  4. Well, I've been a respected and "credible" member of this community since the days it first began. Calling into question my overall "credibility" because we both saw a play differently - both opinions - I expect better from a mod on this board.
  5. "Falling credibility"? Are you serious? I was just taking the time to report what I saw live - and what everyone else around me saw and comented on - a dropped ball after a great throw OMG - jump 12 inches and STILL be expected as an NFL receiver to make a catch! Tell me it isn't so! If it makes you feel better I can replace perfect with great - the scramble and incredible rocket across his body across the field, the tape does not capture how great the throw/effort was I define drops as balls that should be caught and aren't. "Horrible" was definitely colored by what Josh did to make that play - it was a pass that hit him in the hands and was also horrible he dropped it after the great effort/throw that Josh made That's your opinion, and differs from mine that saw it live. Jump, extend, hit the hands and catch. This reminds me of the parsing of throws Josh's rookie year where people would argue if a throw was a foot off center. NFL receivers aren't paid to only catch balls that hit them in the numbers - they are paid to make catches for balls they get their hands on. Definitely not a circus catch - a non-trivial catch good receivers would be expected to make the majority of the time If you want to Zapruder the film some more - notice how the ball hits him in the hands and he pushes it down to land at his feet - it's not like it went over his extended fingertips - it squarely hit him in the meat of his hands Yepepep, srry. He's running toward the EZ - catch the ball at the 5 and 100% walk or fall into the EZ - the laws of physics and momentum still apply on the 5 yd line
  6. - Haack was really good with practicing punts inside 20 - think that is going to be a very big positive this season. Then later he bombed one from the back of the EZ to the other 35 - During the kick returners practicing off jugs machine, mckittrick twice lost the ball and it bounced in front of him - then each time gestured to everyone the sun got in my eyes. The other returners were trying to explain to him how to catch the ball in the sun - put hand over sun etc, finally at the end Hyde also came over to explain it to him. It is absolutely crazy to me he didn't know how to field a ball in the sun. Also had a horrible drop on an unbelievable throw Josh made scrambling to his right then fired a rocket back across to the middle of the field - perfect throw prob for TD that he just dropped - The first time the D came on the field edmunds went around the horn with diff handshakes for everyone a la Josh - not sure if that is a new thing for him now - if Kumerow doesn't drop that long throw the reporters would have been lobbying to put him on the wall of fame - Hollister looked pretty dang good for just getting back - Thought Fromm looked good. When you look at the roster sheet at the 3rd string olinemen who are in there it is slightly frightening - When you watch the 2nd and 3rd teams you are reminded how much a fringe WR is dependent on the backup QB actually finding and targeting them - They prob have been switching back and forth but Moss was with 1st team - had a couple nice plays with catch out of backfield and screen. Antonio Williams looked good again - hopefully they can get him on practice squad They prob won't but to me wouldnt be a bad idea to limit his exposure in preseason games - One note from last week. We stayed after and were watching a group of LBers who stayed on the field to work the Jugs machine. One non-LB also was working with them - Wildgoose - and it soon became apparent why. He was horrible - goose feet for hands
  7. These races always make me immediately think one thing - hamstring I was thinking the other day too - would it hurt to put Diggs in a permanent red jersey?
  8. This after the feel-good story in the athletic how Jordan palmer had dramatically increased his velocity - nothing like facing live bullets tho
  9. Wouldn't mind if Kumerow took Taiwan's spot on ST - I hate reserving a spot for a ST-only player if you can get someone who will also contribute on off/def to do it at least competently. Replace Jones and you can keep another position player. I think the reports that Kumerow has been lining up at other positions, his ST contribution, McD's glue comment, and the fact that he's standing out at WR in camp make his chances look pretty good at this point
  10. To me the most surprising thing is that the players actualy did the running/push-ups and didn't just flip Judge off and laugh at him
  11. Interesting - the Kumerow package...
  12. Siran needs to finish that block
  13. Oh that explains it - I avoid any Brady media/content like the plague. If I even see his douchebag cheating face on any media device I immediately make it go away.
  14. Thought the best quote today was from Beasely BTW - I don't get Sal's "This jugs machine video is real" comment in his tweet
  15. Does Beasleys shirt say 'Tricky Dicky'? Looks like it has him (#11) on it - I googled and didn't find any links to him
  16. Thought Tremaine looks thicker too
  17. When I saw the title I thought it was going to be b/c they didn't call him Prime Time - so it's not as bad as I was expecting
  18. After a Bills game, just after Thurman Thomas was announced for Hall of Fame, I am walking to my gate at the airport and the area was mostly deserted (might have actually been the next day) and Thurman is walking all by himself from the other direction. I shook his hand and congratulated him on the HOF and he was very nice. My son has actually gotten selfies and been on flights after games on separate occasions with both Croom and Shaq Lawson - in each case there was some issue they were going home for right after the game. He also got a selfie with (retired) Fred Jackson in the airport after a game. Also - my son went to UNCW and one day he was in class and one of his friends who knew he was a Bills fan said 'Brandon Beane is here today' (UNCW is Beane's alma mater) and told him the building where he just saw him. After class my son booked over to the building and literally was just wandering around halls looking for Beane and he found him! My son was wearing a Bills hat that he always wore - and he said when Beane saw him he just lit up - he LOVED seeing a random Bills fan far outside Buffalo - seemed genuinely happy to see a fan and interact. He was there with his family and was super nice (think this was within a year of him getting job - he might have been there to accept an alumni award). Years and years ago I spent a night drinking w/ Matt Kofler - he was married at the time to a girl I went to HS with. I remember trying to be cool and not ask too many Bills questions - but it's also not like there were "glory days" stories to tell from his era .. He seemed a nice guy (RIP) I've told this story before: Years ago I went to Jimmy V charity golf tournament which was right next to where I lived, and James Lofton was in one of the groups. Things were winding down, and as I was headed out I saw Lofton on a tee. For some reason I got the great idea I was going to run home and get a camera (oh the days before cell phones) and get a picture with him. I soon realized the distance was longer than I estimated, and I was not quite in the shape I thought I was. By the time I got back I was dying - could hardly breathe and sweating my a$$ off. I stumbled toward Lofton and will never forget the look on his face when he saw this heaving, sweaty, crazy-looking person approaching. Barely able to breathe I blurted out "JamesisawyoucatchalotofballsatrichstadiumthoseweregreatdaysGoBiils!canigetapicture" and he accomodated me as one might accomodate an insane person while fearing for their life. He showed a lot of poise in that situation 😛
  19. It's crazy to see all lined up how many passes were from running around without a clean pocket
  20. This seems like as good a place as any to ask - has there been any rumblings if fans might be able to attend TC at the stadium - or when an annoucement might be forthcoming? Planning to go up to Buffalo 1st week in Aug w/ my son w/ hopes to go to TC w/ my Dad.
  21. Yep - first thing I thought of. We used to play street football in the neighborhood and we all loved to tip-toe the curb ("sideline") and yell "Bobby Chandler" when we made the grab
  22. Not the frozen kind - heyyy-ooohhh A while back I randomly came upon some "most extreme" type show that detailed some of the engineering for earthquake protection - was amazing the extent of some of what they put into it
  23. There was also tons of engineering/expense poured into the stadium (pun intended) to make it earthquake resistant
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