Daboll's 2021 version had a receiver out wide to the left, who then came into the back field, bringing an extra defender down on the edge right where the play was going to go (vs the 2004 version which had the TE shift from left to right - drawing attention to the right side) - then in 2004 version Bledsoe takes the snap and does a hard fake sneak to the right (whre the TE had shifted - presumably to block), drawing even more attention to that side - while 2021 version Josh barely takes a 1/4 step "fake" then stands back and chucks it. For trick plays the devil is in the details - if they actually practiced it in OTAs and TC they should have gotten the design/details right (the biggest thing was why change the design of the play that worked perfectly to have a receiver bring a defender down to where the fake was going to go - just stupid)