For many years my brother and I have have come up to take my Dad to a game - eventually we had to start buying club seats where things were more "civil" so he could sit more. Even then - one year we were in our clubs seats and as fate would have it - there were 4 bombed 20-somethings in the seat in front of us who were the (only) grade-A idiots in the section concerned more about getting everyone around them to stand than actually watching the game (is there anything worse than "C'MON STAND UP!!" guy, back turned to the field the whole game waving his arms up). My Dad asked them once nicely to sit down and they dropped some F-bombs and "we bought our tickets we can do what we want" crap. Eventually the whole section was yellng at them to sit down - and security actually came over to tell them. Then the B I T C H that was in front of my Dad literally sat and waved her hands above her head in front of his face the rest of the time just to obstruct his view. Eventually they got thrown out (reported by others in the section) - which was a good thing b/c they were severely testing our restraint.
I think it is related to the influx of college age fans during this period - like a college student section thing - who also had the attitude "the Bills have sucked my whole life so that gives me the right to just get bombed and do whatever I want and IDGAF about anyone or anything else"