Agreed - in the past they were mostly grunting - and then they would run Murphy audio doing play by play in the middle? Among the worst in the mic'ed up genre. They are getting better
After the Moss TD I saw that Houston DB go over to Allen and it looked like they were talking for more than just a second for it to be some quick trash talk - I couldn't imagine what was being said. Now I know. "What part of California are you from?" OMG
Side note: last week we came in town for the game and Fri Stevie was making an appearance at a small place downtown and my son went and got his Stevie Johnson jersey signed. Got to talk with him a bit - said very nice guy
They could be 1-15 going into the last week and there will still be people on here and in the media talking about how everyone should be afraid of them
Nice that the Bucs won and we got to have those heartwarming shots of Tom at midfield - b/c if he lost he prob would have run off the field in a hissy fit and we would have been robbed of seeing what a great guy he is