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Everything posted by stevewin

  1. Prince Emili! I met his Dad!
  2. Can't let them have another 9 min drive - even if we take some chances
  3. Sound logic - Buffalo is Earth's Team
  4. Raven were dumb to go away from their run game - now the weather will work in our favor
  5. Josh tells running Lamar hold my beer
  6. It's all going to come down to whether our receivers can hold on to the ball
  7. Just glad we got the ball back before the half
  8. Hopefully we'll get the ball back this Q
  9. I'm just elated we actually stopped a 3rd and >15
  10. I for one am OK with opposing QB's being taken out of a game for tripping over a Billdo
  11. i've been saying all along his whole quirky nerd schtick that the media and so many were lapping up was going to be tested once there was some actual adversity
  12. Its a departure from the gramma sweater
  13. So is the whole spotter thing - person who watches for evidence of concussion during the game and calls down if anything is suspected - is that only to get the player looked at, and the on field visual evidence isn't used at all in the asessment?
  14. Maybe I wasn't watching as much sports coverage early in the week (usually always less after a Bills loss) - mostly some GMFB with NFL employees dutifully parrotting the NFL scripted talking points "Turns out he only hurt his back!" (with a straight face) - but where were all these talking heads with their outrage earlier in the week after what happened Sun? It seems to me the NFL's playbook to respond to this has to be to throw Miami under the bus - a rogue organization behaving irresponsibly in an isolated incident - and I'm fine with that.
  15. Will be tough to destroy all the tapes this time a la spygate
  16. I've had that back pain - and I've reached for my back, and cried out in pain. When you had that back pain - did you just shake your head and wobble around? I've never had or seen anyone who has intense back pain just stumble like a drunk person and shake their head and not at all reach for their back or cry out in pain. There comes a point where "proof" can be replaced by common sense. If you watch the tape and think that him shaking his head, wobbling and stumbling like someone who was knocked senseless is from back pain then I don't know what to tell you. It simply is not plausible. Common sense,
  17. This exactly. He does have judgement - and is in a position to make decisions affecting player availability. To say "but the doctors cleared him" is no excuse. He saw what everyone else saw Sun - an obvious concussion. To hear him at the PC (after the "just a concussion" remark) talk about how he would never ever put a hurt player in harms way - so disingenuous - such a lie. He literally did that Sun, and then again 4 days later. I personally think McDaniel should be killed for this. I never really cozied up to his goofy nerd schtick. I always thought let's see how his schtick goes when things go bad - how will fans/media/players react when things aren't all rainbows. To me this makes him look REALLY bad - and exposes the kind of guy he really is. Interested how the media is going to react to him now after all the glowing ball washing that has been going on
  18. I've told this story before When I was in HS, at basketball practice on a Sat morning, I was running full speed for a loose ball and smashed my face into someone's skull, shattering my nose (concussion 1). People there said I was out on my feet - and slowly fell backwards like a tree and smashed the back of my head on the floor (concussion 2). (I heard later) In the immediate moments while I was lying there on my back blacked out, people mostly were just staring wtf. One of my friends got down by me and heard choking, and turned my on my side and a river of blood came flowing out my nose and mouth. The people there said it was the craziest and grossest thing they had ever seen. I was out for a few minutes. When I started to come to, things were very foggy and hazy. The first thing that popped into my head was my Mom always said when were were kids, if you are ever hurt, tell them the name of our family doctor. So I groggily just start repeating "Hassenfratz, Hassenfratz" over and over. At that point I'm sure they thought I had suffered brain damage 😛 By the time the ambulance came I was fully awake. I will never forget in the ambulance, while I felt awake and 'clear-headed' - there were times I couldn't remember the most basic things while I was having conversation with the EMTs who were asking me questions . It was a very weird feeling. This was a time before cell phones. My Dad was out hunting, my Mom was Christmas shopping, and my brother was out some where. I stat on a stretcher in a hallway in the hospital for what felt like hours. Eventually my brother came home, checked the messages, and called Eastern Hills Mall where my Mom was shopping. They paged her over the PA. (it's crazy how we lived before cell phones) Later that evening in the hospital I was laying in bed, and this doctor suddenly comes rushing in, wearing a tuxedo (he was at a Christmas party, and my uncle, who was head of internal medicine at the hospital called him in). He looks me over, turns to my Mom and says "One of his pupils is bigger than the other - he may have bleeding pressure on his brain and we may need to operate" I will never forget the look on my Mom's face as she turned white as a sheet. At that point I was more worried about her health than mine. It turns out one of my pupils is naturally bigger than the other (who knew) One other thing I will never forget from that experience - the following Mon evening in the hospital, I was coming back to my room from a test or scan, and the MNF game was on the TV. The guy in the other bed says to me "They shot John Lennon, man". I will never forget the exact way he said it and the pain in his voice for as long as I live. I was back to school by the end of the week. They put my nose back together, but this was a time before all the concussion awareness and I never was evaluated for anything neurological. I had bad headaches for a while after and initially saw some doctors - but eventually that can become a whole rabbit hole (the more you think about having a headache the more you will probably have one) so soon afterwards I just decided to just not focus on it and get on with my life. I think I still have headaches a lot of the time, but like I said I've just conditioned myself to not think about them. Every once in a while when I can't remember something I wonder if it is just natural aging forgetfulness or if it is related to my brain being scrambled - but at this point there's nothing I can do about it anyway.
  19. Nate Hackett likes that kick
  20. It's been crazy seeing "reporters" on NFLN this week parrotting the "back injury" talking point with a straight face - will be interesting to see if there is any actual real discussion now that includes the acknowledgement of what actually happened last Sunday
  21. Every time they show McDaniel now all I can think about is how he knowingly put a player he knew was concussed out there and lied about it. How can players respect that guy now
  22. For all the ball washing of McDaniels he is absolutely complicit in this. The whole org is a disgrace for lying about what everyone obviously saw last game. It's kind of bizarre how they were just let off the hook with their ridiculous lies
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