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Everything posted by stevewin

  1. I want long lingering shots of Jones on the bench - is he crying?
  2. Ha Ha. They can bring in Jones short yardage to be the "slide and kick the guy in the nuts" specialist
  3. Where's the Cheater fan on here gonna say that was a perfect pass just the defender intercepted it
  4. Slow mo that is so much a worse look - intentional scumbag move
  5. Mac did a Brady and cleated him in the freaking balls
  6. They forget so quickly who the 85th best player in the NFL is
  7. I'm only here to watch Mac Jones cry
  8. Well actually - now we can watch them both suck separately - double the pleasure
  9. Crash into irrelevance in burning flames is more my desire
  10. Could be his Uncle Charlie
  11. Maybe he'll be the next coach of the Broncos
  12. Waiting for the stadium rendering was more entertaining than this
  13. I love how the announcers rush through these requisite 'acknowledgements' of controversies to appear fair and balanced then can't move on fast enough to get off the topic and never mention it again
  14. He should have put as much effort into, maybe, actually getting the first
  15. That 49er DB chasing the WR in the EZ looked like a slow Forrest Gump
  16. 1:00 - Root against Brady - check. Next 4:00 root against Chiefs/Jets, 8:20 root against Dolphins, Mon night root against Cheaters. NFL got me again
  17. Would love to see the entire Bucs OL just lose their sh!t on Brady sitting on the bench and yell and betrate him
  18. is this kind of like a porn name scenario - was your first pet named 62?
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