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Everything posted by stevewin

  1. Noah Eagle looks like a nerd vampire. It's crazy how much stuff Nate B does
  2. Dang On NFLN they just showed what I assume is a live shot of the inside of the stadium. Looked like they were putting snow on the field into a bunch of bit plastic containers which I guess they have to haul through the tunnel and dump somewhere. I remember one of the articles for new stadium saying the ability to remove and dump snow will be much improved there. A big thing is that the seats were untouched - with a lot of snow on them. A lot of work still to be done to get the inside ready
  3. Apple is a POS company. The last company I worked for, Qualcomm, supplies chips for them. The iPhone would not exist without Qualcomm - the initial iPhone was basically a collection of Qualcomm IP. Innovation my ass. Apple would constantly play games and try to reneg on their contracts. About 5 yrs ago they just decided to not pay QC - with no legal basis whatsoever - and it set off a chain of events that caused the QC stock to plummet, which then set off a hostile takeover attempt, which then caused QC to lay off 1000s of employees inculding the entire division/site I worked for. I do not buy Apple products - I am so glad I do not have to sign up for Apple TV - it would make me ill. F Apple to hell. The absolute worst in corporate greed and abuse.
  4. I'm hoping Josh wears a cup this game
  5. Also - thought it was interesting, Hyde on OBL said for the Colts game running down the field was treachrous b/c only the lines were shoveled and there was inches high snow on the rest - so the terrain wasn't level
  6. Was wondering when they would take the tarp off - and if they would have a crew with shovels and blowers going to town on it from the time the tarp comes off through the game
  7. And it already almost happened with the disingenuous greasy way he handled the whole Tua concussion situation - he was so lucky to somehow get out from under that. His whole schtick wore out on me pretty quick before the season even started - esp w/ the way the media was lapping it up.
  8. Doesn't even mention lack of Dome smh
  9. The rise of internet speculation faux doctors is one of the worst things in the sport IMO
  10. OMG all these crazy insane naive quotes about snow and the weather - it's like it's the Spinal Tap version of Hard Knocks
  11. Seems like McD caught Josh's cold from last week
  12. I feel like that guy should be wearing white gloves while touching that - like the Stanley Cup caretaker dude
  13. Thought it was really good - just direct honest answers. Would think it would be hard for most people to hate the guy after seeing that
  14. Can we sign a player that retired is the new can someone own both an NFL and NHL team in the same city
  15. This is master Belicheat genius stuff oMg hE's PrAcTiCiNg iN tHe CoLd!!!
  16. Signing former Bills players is the new signing former Panthers players
  17. Not sure if you are basing this on what you saw in TB - when he wasn't yet in 'game shape' , and also playing with some hesitancy in a new system - having to think some and not just doing. To me this move really is for the playoffs. He has weeks to get his body in game shape. And no one doubts he knows the offense like the back of his hand and Josh and him have a connection that takes years to develop - which is the most important aspect of what they will be asking him to do (get to the right spot at the right time and catch the ball for 1st downs). I'm willing to let it play out over the coming weeks.
  18. Waiting for the day when Brady throws an int and all the OL gather around him on the bench and start pointing and screaming at him that he sucks
  19. He got a LOT of play yesterday on the "Offense not SB caliber" comment in the Josh's PC after the game - they were talking about it on GMFB and all over ESPN shows during the day. Didn't hear anyone mention him by name though which must have been disappointing for him
  20. He would be George Costanza
  21. Mac jones and Joe Judge - a portrait of two guys who deserve each other
  22. Who is worse Cards or Denver
  23. Throws morre screens anyway
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