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Everything posted by stevewin

  1. In a pile/scrum they are always going to give it to the guy who comes out with the ball
  2. Had it initially on the ground then got it ripped in the pile
  3. Broadcast tem has been jinxing the hell out of the teams this game
  4. Now we just gotta execute the snap from center
  5. Funny the reason they were running I'm sure was to run some clock and not leave anything for Cheaters to score before half - but maybe now they will realize they can do it other drives too
  6. Cook is deceptively quick to the hole - just hits it
  7. One of the things Jones does that is so annoying to me is how he jumps up full speed after a play sometimes to show what a fired up try hard he is - if he only played the game with the same speed
  8. Lot of processing by Josh there
  9. Think even Josh is taking seriously not being hit this game - had a chance earlier to take a hit for the first and wisely went out
  10. Not sure both guys were supposed to be standing next to each other
  11. If he says "dangerous team" one more time
  12. It's like the 'old' days when people would parse every Josh throw if it was 6 inches off center and the scrub WRs couldn't catch it - when every other even marginal WR all over the league make the catch
  13. People have said this but I think enough is going to be done pre-game to honor/remember him - and even without that it's obvious he is in everyone's thoughts. Once the whistle blows play ball and win - that's what Damar wants
  14. After the pre-game ceremonies?
  15. I'm looking forward to the Jets-Fins Waste Management Garbage QB Bowl
  16. Were they playing Sweet Home Alabama?
  17. They've found their Mike White
  18. See you next year Meat Head
  19. My raider buddy just texted me this
  20. Stay classy Cheaters
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