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Everything posted by stevewin

  1. We get the playmaker then it defaults to "but but but .... Dorsey won't use him properly!" It actually is comical
  2. It was inevitable after we lost Tommy Sweeney
  3. OMG the NFL draft officially jumped the shark
  4. Can't make it up commercial for bills pick
  5. Poor guy has to go to the freaking miserable Cheaters
  6. Thats the first thing that popped in my head when they said arrived on campus at 206 lbs lol
  7. I learned that Nate Peterman has "low impulse control"
  8. Amazing story OP. Never been to the draft, but a number of years ago a friend of mine from HS announced a pick. I'm sitting watching the draft then out of nowhere he appears it was like holy crap that's Jim!
  9. I'm looking forward to never seeing the stupid NFL network draft hype commercial where people's lives depend on the draft - no one in the history of mankind has ever uttered "Our legacy is on the clock!!!" omfg
  10. I don't think it will be as big a tire fire, but to me there's a real wildcard if things go a little sideways with Aaron starting to pout and the NYC media honeymoon ending adding more fuel to the fire. Add in Hackett - it could really go downhill fast.
  11. All I know is a few days in and I've already had my limit of Rodgers/Jets media coverage
  12. Thanks to OP for starting a new thread and not having this discussion be embedded 50 pages into the Rodgers talking to Jets thread
  13. He says he played without doing anything 7 weeks beforehand - I thought he played a lot of basketball 🤔
  14. So the optons listed here https://tv.youtube.com/learn/nflsundayticket/?utm_source=pm&utm_medium=gs&utm_content=txt&utm_campaign=ytnflst&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIjOKxtZ-5_gIVpTatBh0Q0waUEAAYASAAEgJ1hvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds are (prices listed are 'Inaugural Offer ends 6/6') - "NFL Sunday Ticket + Youtube TV" = 249 + 72/mo for YTYV - "NFL Sunday Ticket + NFL RedZone + Youtube TV" = 289 + 72/mo for YTYV - "NFL Sunday Ticket on Youtube" = 349 - "NFL Sunday Ticket + NFL RedZone on Youtube" = 389 I assume the last two "on Youtube" includes no other explicit cost (streamed through free Youtube) - for those of us who just want Sunday Ticket standalone and no Youtube TV
  15. Von's an impressive guy when he speaks - 16 minutes of thoughtful, genuine responses
  16. Like to cut the line at Dave and busters?
  17. I remember this as the loudest game I ever attended. My brother and I were sitting lower EZ on the turn and there were points sitting next to each other we would be trying to communicate by screaming at each other and still couldn't hear what the other was saying
  18. Right - the part I was confused about is if the Youtube Primetime is free I just want to get ST w/o having to sign up to another streaming service
  19. On the Youtube ST page (https://blog.youtube/news-and-events/nfl-sunday-ticket-presale-2023/) they say Is Youtube Primetime Channels free? Googling it is confusing some things say there is a subscription cost
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