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Everything posted by whynot

  1. As does Bush: “Now, in terms of the balance between running down intelligence and bringing people to justice obviously is -- we need to be very sensitive on that.” [bush Delivers Remarks at the Unity, Journalists of Color Conference, 8/6/04] EDITED to add this following one (how could I miss a part of the "mission accomplished speech"?) Bush: “We help fulfill that promise not by lecturing the world, but by leading it. Precisely because America is powerful, we must be sensitive about expressing our power and influence..."
  2. The following is from the transcript of a speech Zell Miller delivered about John Kerry: Introduction of Senator John Kerry Democratic Party of Georgia's Jefferson-Jackson Dinner March 1, 2001 .... My job tonight is an easy one: to present to you one of this nation's authentic heroes, one of this party's best-known and greatest leaders – and a good friend. He was once a lieutenant governor – but he didn't stay in that office 16 years, like someone else I know. It just took two years before the people of Massachusetts moved him into the United States Senate in 1984. In his 16 years in the Senate, John Kerry has fought against government waste and worked hard to bring some accountability to Washington. Early in his Senate career in 1986, John signed on to the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Deficit Reduction Bill, and he fought for balanced budgets before it was considered politically correct for Democrats to do so. John has worked to strengthen our military, reform public education, boost the economy and protect the environment. Business Week magazine named him one of the top pro-technology legislators and made him a member of its "Digital Dozen." John was re-elected in 1990 and again in 1996 – when he defeated popular Republican Governor William Weld in the most closely watched Senate race in the country. John is a graduate of Yale University and was a gunboat officer in the Navy. He received a Silver Star, Bronze Star and three awards of the Purple Heart for combat duty in Vietnam. He later co-founded the Vietnam Veterans of America. ... Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome Senator John Kerry.
  3. I think across party lines, everyone agrees on that.
  4. `Putting immanent causation of this event on the religion of Islam is a mistake; the Muslims that took this action weren’t motivated to do so solely by the Islamic religion. They didn’t, in a vacuum, wake up and decide to take hostages, with no other reasoning but the teachings of Islam. Just as members of the IRA didn’t wake up one morning and decide to commit acts of terror against the British, based on solely on the Catholic faith. There were, and are, a lot more factors in the actions of both of these groups. If you are going to make the argument that Islam is a violent religion based on the despicable (and inexcusable) actions of a few; then you must make the same statement about Catholicism. The atrocities committed by the IRA didn’t lead me to believe that Catholicism is “not a peaceful religion”, nor should the act of Islamic terrorists lead anyone to a similar conclusion about the Islamic faith.
  5. Is it okay if I ask you a personal question? Are you making over 200,000 a year? (for full disclosure, I'm not)
  6. Seems fair, time to ignore this thread in that case.
  7. Okay folks, I'm not casting out a line looking for sarcasm from those of us on the left. I'm looking for the honest answers here. What do you feel is the greatest domestic policy achievement of the Bush administration in the last three plus years?
  8. So vets of this board, what happens in threads like this? Do threads that are merely vulgar and ignorant get locked or deleted? Or does the record lie untouched, and it's up to the community to ignore it?
  9. Is it worth my time to start an actual conversation here at this point? Or should I stick to the Bills?
  10. Really I'm intrigued? I haven't tread in these waters since the early days of the primaries; any real prize winners recently?
  11. That was the single most ignorant thing I've seen posted on a message board in some time; congrats.
  12. Okay folks, I'm looking for comments from those of us lucky enough to have seen (and possibly Tivoed) the Bills this preseason. Lee Evans' name hasn't been called much this preseason (not that the radio announcers call many names, but my gripe with the radiocasters is for another thread.) Now I can only think of two reasons for this: 1.The Bills have been calling his number but he hasn't been getting open. Therefore the ball hasn't been going his way all that often this preseason. 2.The Bills haven't been throwing his way much at all, hoping that he can slip into the first few weeks underscouted, and undercovered. Are we playing rope-a-dope, or is Lee still struggling to adjust to the physical nature of pass coverage in the NFL? Either way I look forward to big things out of him down the line; but I'd love some idea of how far down the line that will be.
  13. Nothing funnier than hearing AVP on the radio; "huh they are going to have to bring in a vetern who knows how to run on offense." Methinks there may be a job openning for a colour guy for Bills radio real soon.
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