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Everything posted by whynot

  1. The Wikipedia entry is a half decent start. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_space_%...mmunications%29 Basically wireless devices be it cell phones, wireless internet, wireless microphones, TV and radio all have a frequency footprint. The FCC, among other institutions, manage the wireless spectrum so devices don't interfere with each other. With the expansion in wireless devices, especially of late HDTV transmission, there has been a push to open more frequencies for use. A test like this took place in the past week on Broadway to see the impact on wireless microphones. Looks like it was the NFL's turn. The NFL uses a great deal of wireless: headsets for coaches, TV crews as well as embedded in QBs helmets. The FCC needs to ensure introducing new devices doesn't create havoc in current applications. Sounds like it didn't go so well.
  2. Wow, dead on. Cheese Its are such the superior cheese based craker.
  3. Individual game tix are on sale?
  4. Buffalo NY (Lovejoy for those keeping score)
  5. A Chicken Wing a Prayer...
  6. Last I heard he hadn't practiced this week. Anyone with an update?
  8. I'm happy to be part of this thread; as I'm anticipating a sh-- storm on the boards if we miss the playoffs. No matter what: this has been a fun run. The most fun I've had watching football since the days of the K-Gun. Win or Lose this is a season we'll be talking about for some time to come. Let's Go Buffalo!
  9. Not true; see the 1992 Sand Diego Chargers. Started 0-4 and won the AFC West at 11-5.
  10. If a rally monkey can work for Anaheim, why not a cowbell for us?
  11. I've been holding out, but the Texans bailing us out? The TEXANS? One more pair of miracles is all it takes; what a season.
  12. Wind and rain.
  13. Jags block the game clinching FG, now have great field position.
  14. I was waiting for that other shoe to drop. BANG...
  15. I'm slarting to become tempted by the call of the Bills Backer's bar; I had planned on skipping this week.
  16. Shutting down Byron for the first 3 quarters, but letting them stick in the game. I swear I've seen this one before. Come on Houston!
  17. Anyone else listening to the Texans feed on the radio? I'm enjoying the play call...
  18. If we are truly resting folks: Here's to a JP-Trafford TD.
  19. What tie-breaker is that?
  20. Well here we go, it's in the D's hands.
  21. I'm stuck at work. Where the heck is the D in this first quarter?
  22. Liberal and proud.
  23. NY Senator Chuck Schumer just took the top spot at the DSCC; and has declared he is now no longer interested in running for Governor. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=stor...el_se/schumer_2 Looks like Spitzer is the odds on favorite for the Dems in '06.
  24. Have you guys tried playing Africa? Yikes...
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